•Chapter Eleven•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I woke up unexpectingly next to Carl. I half expected him to have left after I fell asleep. We read all the book besides one chapter. One tiny chapter that I fell asleep before claiming I was just 'resting my eyes'.

I gently shove Carl, trying to wake him up. His even breaths turn into unsteady ones as he opens his eyes. He quickly looks behind him at me.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep when you did and didn't wake up. I wouldn't have been i-"

"Stop rambling." I laugh. "What a teddy bear."

"I'm not a teddy bear." He whines, giving me an angry look.

"Teddy bear teddy bear!" I tease, getting off the bed and running out of the cell. I hear Carl's fast paced foot steps behind me and quicken my speed. Without looking in front of me, I accidentally bump into a hard chest, haulting me from going any further.

"I'm so sorry." I don't look up, afraid of who it's going to be. I hear Carl's footsteps stop just behind me.

"It's okay." A friendly, but familiar voice says. I mentally fist pump, knowing this person wasn't going to brudally punish me for bumping into them. I slowly look up, revealing the face of the one and only, Rick Grimes. A smile is plastered on his lips and his eye brows are raised.

"Hi dad." Carl says, no emotion what so ever. Rick nods before disappearing behind Carl and I.

"You look like you just saw a ghost." Carl cackles, standing in the place his father was previously standing in.

"That scared the shit out of me."


Carl looks outside the fence, looking at the trees and a few stray Walkers. He inhaled a deep pit of breath, before releasing and carrying on.

"Stop stop stop." I say, walking in front of him and haulting him by placing my hand on his chest. "What's wrong now?"


"Don't you fucking dare." I preclaimed, giving him a look full of fury. "We're past that state now, right?"

"Right." He sighs. "I just want to go for a walk s'all." He starts walking again, trying to walk past me.

"Then let's go." I stop him again, doing the same motion. All Carl does is laugh, giving me a weird look.

"You aren't serious." He vocalizes, now earning a look from me.

"Why not?" I huff, crossing my arms.

"My dad sure as hell ain't letting us go anywhere." Carl grumbles.

"We can at least try." I try smiling, but fail.

"Alright," Carl starts walking towards the prison as if he knows exactly where his father is. I follow, not far behind.

He pushed open a door leading us inside the prison. People were scattered all over the prison, I don't know how he thinks he's going to find his father that quickly. He pushes open one more door, where his father stands, talking to Bob.

Looks like he found him.

"Dad?" Carl coughs, getting his dad's attention. Bob nods, getting the hint, and leaves the hallway without a word.

"What do you need, son?" Rick asked, turning around to look at the both of us.

"Can we, uhm, go for a walk. We'll stay in a screaming distance of the prison." Carl suddenly seemed nervous.

"Carl.." Rick said in a warningly matter.

"Please dad? I have Grey." Rick's eyes darted towards me. Suddenly I feel really uncomfortable any one else feel that draft?

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