•Chapter Fifty-Eight•

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-Needed Me - Rhianna-
-Sorry Not Sorry - Bryson Tiller-

*Carl's P.O.V.*

Despite my countless attempts to even be in the same room as Greyson, I still hadn't gotten a chance to talk, at least some closure would be nice.

My body was numb, my emotions were numb. I felt like I did when Greyson had left, but this time it was my fault, piling ions of guilt onto my already chipped away heart.

I swing my feet off my bed, the crisp morning air hitting my bare chest sharply. I suck in a fresh breath and walk over to the window across my 'room'. Otherwise known as the attic.

I trace my fingertips over the crack I had created on the glass from throwing that disk four weeks ago.

Yes, four weeks ago. It's been four weeks since I've done much of anything. I've barely left the home I had created.

I take a look around the room I had been staying in and to my dismay, the room was a wreck. Random papers every where, a broken record I still haven't cleaned up, a broken drawer. Oh god, I forgot about the broken drawer. As it sat there in thousands of tiny pieces and a chipped floor I couldn't help but recall what had happened about two and a half weeks ago.

/ flashback /

I swallowed the pity down my throat, sucking in a deep breath afterwards. I didn't want to go downstairs and even show my face around here, but I couldn't ignore my stomachs grumbles for much longer.

Maybe I could wait until tomorrow to eat. It's only been two days. I'll survive.

As if on que, my stomach aggressively grumbles, leaving an immense amount of pain behind.

I need to eat.

Reluctantly, I bring my body towards the staircase and step by step my body makes its way towards the kitchen, but my conscious is left behind in the attic.

Slowly, quietly, I make my way towards the kitchen, grabbing an apple, the easiest food to access.

As I turn around I see Collin smiling and pushing his hair back. I lean against the counter, aggressively biting into the apple I had just retrieved. Oh god, how I wish this apple was his head.

He opens his arms sympathetically. A small brown haired girl slowly creeps her body into his embrace, laying her head directly on his chest.

My temperature rises and my breathing becomes heavy. I try to shake my head, hoping it was just some bad dream.

Greyson had went running to Collin after we broke up. Directly into his arms, and his trap.

My anger overtook my physical movement, and the apple in my grip now had my fingers poking into its side.

As she begins to pull away, I was already running up to the attic. I had no control of my body, my emotions were flying in all different directions and I couldn't stop my arm from ripping the drawer out of its socket and slamming it against the floor, breaking it into pieces.


I run my fingers through my already messy hair and sigh.

"I can't go on like this." I say aloud. "I need to talk to her."

"Why do you need to talk to me?" A voice says from the doorway.

I turn around to see an 'overly excited to see me' Enid. I suck in a miniature breath and my eyes meet hers. I can only imagine the pain in my eyes, the way my eyes were bloodshot and my eyebrows furrowed to create an unapproachable image.

"I-I-" I stamper. "Never mind." I sigh, hoping she wouldn't continue to believe I was talking about her.

-*Enid's P.O.V.*-

"I know what this is about." I say, brushing my hair behind my ear. Again, our eyes meet and I can't help but let them travel. Carl Grimes stood before me shirtless and vulnerable, my two favorite looks on him. His toned chest gave my eyes such a sight to fondle upon, and his stressed, but bright blue eyeballs watched me as I searched every inch of his bare chest. I know what he's thinking, I know what he wants to talk to me about. He felt the connection in the tree trunk, I know he did.

And now the sexual tension circulating was undeniable. He knew it too.

"Don't be shy." I say, slowly walking towards him. "I don't bite." I whisper, leaning down to connect my mouth to his ear. "Unless you want me to."

Slowly I retract from his ear, hopefully leaving shivers down his spine. Like I said, undeniable sexual tension.

"Listen, I-"

"Shh..." I hush him by placing my index finger over his lips. I knew he 'wasn't ready' after Greyson, but I thought I'd give him a little something to think about while he got over her.

I turn around, slowly exiting the attic. I knew his eyes were on me, I could feel them.



here I am


I really really want to finish this book, I've literally been writing it for around two years now

I'm 16 now, woo hoo. Also, that guy I talked about in the last author's note? Still dating him, still so in love. Ahh. Gaw, love sure is strange. But experiencing it first hand really helps you write about it.

Also, I get my license tomorrow!!!!! ahgjelknfjwe

alright, I'll leave now I miss you guys

You're beautiful

Don't be a zombie


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