•Chapter Fifty-Two•

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Weight of the World - Jon Bellion
Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Come with me." Those words couldn't have made me happier. They made my stomach turn in twenty-three different ways, brought the heat up to my cheeks, causing me to blush, and made me forget about anything and everything that was happening around me.

"Why are we walking to the wall?" I ask, staring straight at the large wall. Carl had picked up a tiny bag from Ron but refused to let me look in it, claiming it was top secret.

"Do you have your knife on you?" He asks, snuggling his arm around my waist.

I nod, patting it in its holster then giving him a confused look.

He turns around, reaching in the bag that he had gotten from Ron. He pulls out tiny metal things, smirking at me.

Let's hope he's not actually going to murder me and all this love stuff was a decoy.

Without another word, he sticks one of the metal things on the pole connecting the fence. He steps on the metal piece as if it was a piece of a ladder. He swings so his back was against the fence and he was looking at me. He holds the pole with one arm, smirking at me.

"We're not leaving, not after that huge scene." I frown, crossing my arms.

"Not leaving, just exploring."


I peer down at Carl, my foot on the very last metal piece.

"Jump, I'll catch you." He promises, holding out his arms.

I reach my foot down, searching for another foot step even when I knew there wasn't another. This seems a lot higher than the one on the other side.

I look down at Carl, weighing over my options. I knew I had to fall into his arms, but I was uncertain of his ability to catch me.

Trust, Grey. You've trusted him this far, and it was the best decision of your life.

I squeeze my eyes shut and kick myself off of the pole.

An umpf and a little bit of impact later, I was in his arms securely. He stared down at me with the brightest smile on his face.

"I love you." He whispers, his hat creating a shade from the sun for both of us.

"I lov-" I start, but was interrupted but the rustling of fallen leaves. Carl quickly lets me down, both of us grabbing our knifes and standing back to back, mimicking our actions the day we had found Bob, Sasha, and Maggie.

"Here," Carl murmurs, moving away from my back. I turn around, ready to back him up.

Luckily, it was only one walker and it was weak. Carl lunges forward, stabbing right through its skull.

"Romantic." I giggle, as Carl removes his knife from the now dead walker.

"I only came out here to hunt walkers with you anyways." Carl shrugs, both of us laughing after.

He reaches in his bag once again, pulling out a rag. He then holds out his hand, swinging his bag back around his shoulder. I smile back at him, grabbing his hand for it was mine, and my hand was his. I couldn't stress enough how much I love this boy as he drug me through the lowly walker populated forest.

I found myself walking into a big opening, a field. To my surprise, there wasn't any walkers trotting around the beautiful area. Only grass and a few flowers decorating the lot.

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