•Chapter Twenty-One•

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Playlist// Alleyways - The Neighborhood
An Immigrant - Jon Bellion

*Carl's P.O.V.*

As I walked down the long corridor, I let my mind wander. And I was worried to what it wandered to.

The kiss. Well, kisses. Both seemed to seep into my mind and tug at places in my brain that I couldn't explain. My mind told me explanations for why they didn't mean anything.

But my heart was telling me they meant so much more than I realize.

I turn a sharp corner to bump into a hard, dirty body. The person grunts, taking a step away from me.

And lucky for me it was exactly the person I wanted to see.

Daryl greets me with his usual solitaired stare and squinted eyes.

"Thank you." I breathe out, feeling as if something I needed to do was finally done.

He smirks slightly and nods at me, not wanting to recognize that he did something right.

He pushed past me, his crossbow making a tiny noise as he does so.

What I see in Daryl is something I admire, and want to be like. He's strong, independent. He always goes with what he originally said, even if he ends up wrong. And he may look tough and scary, but he's truly a nice person. A role model for all the children here.

Minus all the murdering.


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I want to talk about it.

No, no I actually don't.

But I need to.

But it's awkward.

What if it turns out to be something amazing.

What if it doesn't.

All these thoughts rushed through my brain all screaming "pick me!" I was conflicted on what I wanted on everything. Do I like Carl? Do I want this to be something more? Could it be something more? What would happen?

I was a paranoid person when it came to decisions. I always wanted to know what would happen. What would the outcome be. Like with roller coasters, the tracks show you exactly where you go. But with haunted houses, you get jump scared everywhere you walk. Everything is uncertain.

As you can tell, I'm more of a roller coaster person.

Not like that'll matter anymore.

I find myself ending up back at the area my cell was after I took a long walk. Clearing my mind.

I wasn't exactly at my cell. And I wasn't exactly not at my cell. I found myself locked in place right in the middle of Carl and I's cells. I stared at the wall as if it would tell me which direction to walk. My mind was already cluttered enough, but now I had to chose where I wanted to go.

I could go to my cell, letting my mind rest for a bit.

Or I could walk straight into his cell and demand to talk about it.

Both sounded horrifying. Letting my mind ease would mean Carl wasn't my main priority, I was. But inviting myself in scared me as well. What if he's asleep, or doing something private like praying or meditating. I don't want to interrupt anything.

Lately, I've been challenging myself to be more of a risk taker. Something I never was pre-the-end-of-the-world.

I was going to do it. I was going to barge in no matter the outcome. Even if he screams at me and calls me names.

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