•Chapter Fourty-Six•

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Suggestive material.

Lying is the Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Off Her Clothes - Panic! at the Disco
Arabella - Arctic Monkeys


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"You have your pick." Aaron says, motioning to the houses. Nora and I approach the group standing in the middle of Carl and Sasha.

"I think me and my family will all share one house, tonight." Rick says, looking at his large group of people.

"As you wish." Aaron says, guiding us to a big house. Carl looks at me and smiles before walking with my sister and I to the house.

"You guys get settled, we won't bother you again until tomorrow." Aaron smiles before shutting the door and exiting our 'lawn'.

This place seemed fake, too good to be true. Electricity, no dirt, clean clothes, a complete luxury, paradise if you may.

Rick walks around, not daring to touch any of the items.

"Rick." Michonne calls from upstairs. Rick's head whips to the voice, quickly bouncing up the steps to investigate.

Rick is uneasy about the new camp, we all are. It's suspicious that their completely isolated from the end of the world. As if someone built a globe around them.

"Who wants to shower first?" Rick asks as walking down the stairs, his uneasy glare turning to a look of relief.

I smile as everyone take their individual turn to get clean. I felt as if everyone was washing off the effects of the apocalypse as if it was a play.

As one by one they all came out of the shower it was easier to picture them before the apocalypse.

Then right before it was my turn to go up, Carl emerges from the stairs, fresh clothes decorating his body like a Barbie. His hair was no longer greasy and there were tiny water droplets covering his forehead as they fell from his wet hair.

When he spotted me he smiled, a tiny smile that could practically murder my insides, and mouthed 'you're next'.

I gulp, trying to hide my desire to rip off his new clothes.

As I get up I ponder the thought of actually doing something like that with Carl. I haven't thought this way since the prison.

As I walk towards him, my throat becomes dry and I find myself holding my breath.

I look disgusting around him when he looks clean and nice and hot and cute and amazing and-

Stop, Greyson.

I pass by him, grazing his shoulder on my wa- holy hell is that cologne? Fucking hell.

As I walk up the steps, Carl grabs my wrist, turning me towards his wet, wet, wet, wet, wet body. I should emphasize the wet part.

He looks me dead in my eyes, a newfound lust bursting at the seams. His breathing echo'd off of the stairway and bounced into my ears like the chorus of a lullaby. It sent chills through my body as he reached up and placed his palm on my right cheek. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, back and forth. His tongue slips between his lips, grazing his bottom lip.

Thank god there's a wall here, hiding us from the rest of the group.

Carl leans forward, steadily placing his lips on mine. I slowly respond to the kiss, trying not to be as eager as I actually was.

I was anxious to be able to kiss him without there being family around. I was excited to have dreams of our 'kisses' once again.

I was content with being his.

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