•Chapter Fourty-Five•

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Doubt - Twenty-One Pilots

Isle of Flightless Birds - Twenty-One Pilots


Unity. We all walked in unity. We practically marched towards the gate as it slid open.

This group right here was my family. I'd kill for them, I'd die for them. They are all I have in this world.

As the door opened a few people were gathered at the entrance, all holding a different expression than the next.

One young guy, around his twenties, grimaced at us as if we were a burden to the community. Another guy, around thirties, looked at us with hope, excitement. The woman looked at us with admiration and faith. Another guy was around my age and smirked at us, seemingly content with himself.

Aaron ran forward into the fenced area right into the thirty year old man's arms. He looked relaxed, relieved. The man pulled away from Aaron, only to grip his face and pull him to himself, colliding their lips in a pure, passionate kiss.

Rick walked through first, being greeted by the woman.

Before I walked in, Carl stopped me, turning me to look at him.

He didn't say anything, just stared at me, searching my face for emotion.

I look at him and my brain forces me to smile. I slowly nod, symboling this was what I wanted to do.

He returns my smile then grabs my hand and leads me through the big door.

"I'm Deanna, my husband and I own Alexandria." The woman smiles to all of us. "Reg is at work right now so he couldn't be here to greet you all, but you'll meet him soon enough."

"Wait, job?" Rick asks, turning his head.

"Oh, yes." She looks around at us. "We assign jobs to keep this community going, just like how it used to be. Only your payment is living here, not money."

"Deanna." The man Aaron had seemed so excited to see walked forward, leaning near Deanna. "We have something to tell them." He motions at us, smiling after.

I look over and see Rick sneakily reach up for his gun, ready to protect us at all costs.

"Oh yes!" She claps. "It's good news, Rick. No need to worry."

Rick slightly brings his hand down, it still being near the holster.

"Your friends, they're here." The man said, smiling. I look over at Carl who looked surprised to say the least. "They asked me to get someone to look for you guys."

"Why didn't you tell us that?" Carl says, looking at Aaron angrily.

"I've been out." Aaron says, smiling brightly and still looking at his companion. "I never knew."

The man giggles and smiles at all of us brighter than before. "I knew you were going to find them." His attention turns to Aaron then back to us as he slightly steps forward. "I'm Eric, are you all ready to see them?"

We all eagerly nod, Rick looking suspiciously but hopeful at Eric.

Eric grabs a walkie talkie from his holster and stares at us with a smile as he speaks into it. "Tell them to come out."

A door swings open, allowing our friends, our family, to run safely into our arms.

The first one out was Glenn, he stopped for a second, looking for Maggie. As soon as he spotted her tears began to roll down his cheeks as he ran for her.

The next was Tyrese, running straight for Sasha. Sasha laughs hysterically and wraps her arms around his large figure.

The next was Carol, Daryl pushing through our group and running right into her arms. He picks her up in a loving way and twirls her around, kissing her cheek in the process.

Beth emerges from the door, already crying as she runs for Maggie and Glenn.

Out of the door comes a new person I hadn't recognized, holding a baby tightly in her arms, cooing down at it. She looks at Rick and nods, causing both Rick and Carl to burst into a sprint towards baby Judith. Carl looks at his baby sister in admiration, lightly stroking her bald head.

Two men walk out, one a bit overweight, the other strong like an army man. They both walk over to the girl who was holding Judith and smile at all the families reuniting.

Michonne walks out, smiling immediately at Carl, Rick, and Judith, and joining their hug.

I stand behind, near Collin Zoe and Olive. We all watch as the beautiful moment occurs.

I look to my right and see Deanna, Eric, Aaron, and the boy that is around my age all smiling at my group.

"Greyson!" I hear to my left, making my head whip to the noise. I see Glenn holding both Maggie and Beth with a smile planted on his features. He nods at the door they exited from then goes back to reuniting. I furrow my eyebrows, slowly turning my head to the door.

A girl walks out of the door, her head bowed. Her brown hair was in a messy bun but her clothes were clean like the rest of the group that had been here.

It's as if life had began to go in slow motion. The girls head came up, her neutral expression changing to surprise. I recognize the person as the same person that I had grown up, the same one who had went through the beginning of the apocalypse with me. My older sister, Nora.

My body jolts forward and my movement quickens. My pulse was beating at about 200 miles per hour and my eyes were jumping out of my sockets.

I ran as fast as I could towards the warm body that belonged to my sister.

As soon as our bodies collided I felt like a piece of my puzzle was restored. We both fall to the ground, engulfing each other in the others tears.

"Sonny." She whimpers in my ear, squeezing tighter.

"Nors." I gasp.

I pull away to look at my sister. I hadn't been this close to her in a year but it felt like centuries.

"I-I-I-" She stutters, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I know." I stop her, bringing her in for another hug.

I open my eyes, still hugging my now present sister. I look over at Carl to see him looking right back at me, beaming.

I knew as I hugged my sister and stared at the boy I loved, that I would like it here.

I am happy.





oh you little delightful people have no idea what's in store

that could be good that could be bad the world may never know

You're beautiful.

Don't be zombie.


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