•Chapter Thirty-Six•

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(There's a picture of how I perceive Greyson in the media :D )

Playlist// Your Song - Ellie Goulding


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Dammit Greyson I know!" My dad yelled, switching lanes.

I huffed, shook my head, and put my feet up on his dashboard.

"Get your fucking feet off my dashboard you know how mom nags about that." He growled, flicking his hand at my feet.

"Maybe she wouldn't nag if you didn't create fights all the time." I spit, bringing my feet down.

"I don't cre-" he slams on his breaks, jerking my body forward. My forehead hits the dashboard my feet were previously on, leaving at least an intense bruise.

I touch the spot it hit, when I bring it upon my eyes, I see a red liquid decorating my fingertip.

My dad prevented his car getting totaled, but how was he going to explain my forehead to mom without creating an argument.

He looked over at me repeatingly, a look of hurt on his features.

"Greyson, are you o-"

"I'm fine." I hissed, leaving my hand on the spot where it was bleeding.

"Dammit." My dad says, swerving around someone and speeding home.

"What the hell?" My mom exclaimed the moment she saw my forehead.

"It's nothing." I brushed off. That's when she told me all the possibilities that could happen because of the injury. Head trauma, concussion, memory loss, ect.

My parents then started the thing I dreded the most. Fighting.

My sister grabbed me and held me in her arms in her bedroom while the background music of my parents fighting was riveting throughout the house.

"Shh." My sister hummed as i whimpered. "It's going to be okay."

I hear the front door slam as once of my parents had exited. I cringe the moment the door hit the frame, creating a disturbing noise.

I played that memory through my head over and over as I waited for Daryl and Collin to wake up Olive and Zoe.

My dad left for a whole week after that night. He was gone to his parents in the state next to us. He didn't call, didn't warn us. He had us worried sick while he was visiting family members.

Carl was gone, too. Only he had no choice. He couldn't contact me, couldn't come back like my dad could.

But I still felt that feeling of abandonment. Someone was gone and I couldn't help it. My mind wandered to even if could come back to me, if he wanted to. I was cold, dark, and I neglected him. I wouldn't want to come back.

Out of nowhere, Collin steps off the ladder and grabs ahold of me instantly.

"Don't kill your thoughts over finding them. We will." He whispers into my ear, pecking my cheek after.

I nod, slightly feeling better.

I don't need Carl, I have Collin.

I don't need Carl.

I don't need Carl.

No matter how many times I repeated it, I still didn't believe it. I needed Carl and my heart knew that, but maybe I could trick my brain into thinking the latter.

Collin grabs my hand, pecking it. I smile at him, even when I wanted to cry.

"We're going that way." Daryl points as everyone else made it down the ladder.

"But that's back the way we came." Olive says, landing one of her hands on one of her hips.

"Going further from the camp won't help us find them. This bunch knows to stay near their home until everyone is found." Daryl explains, then walks down the tracks the way we came from.

"Fine, it's your people, not mine." Olive rolls her eyes and follows Daryl. Daryl ignores her and focuses on the tracks.

For once, I agreed with Daryl. They wouldn't have tried hiking to Washington if they were actually trying to find us.

"Let's go." Collin says, climbing up the hill to the tracks.

I smile, in hopes we'd find someone from the prison.

Someone alive.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

She's alive.

She's alive.

She's alive.

Greyson is alive, and I will find her.

I repeated those thoughts in my head for hours while my dad and I sprinted down the tracks.

Everytime I wanted to slow down, I would think more and more about how Greyson was alive, waiting for me.

My dad tried to slow me down but I ignored his panters, motivating myself with 'Grey is alive'.

The tracks looks the same as we flew by tree after tree. The same rusty, abandoned look.

Greyson is alive. She's waiting for you.

Waiting for you to save her.

"We have to stop," my dad said, pointing at a gas station that looked as crumbled as the rest of the world. It was already pitch black outside, the stars shining brighter than I have seen since the apocalypse. It had been this dark for hours, meaning it was around 11.

"But Grey is alive, I have to find her." I say, looking at my dad with a horrid look on my features.

"You will, tomorrow." He says, pointing at the road leading to the gas station. There was a few stray walkers on that road, all heading for the station.

"I finally have solid proof that Greyson is alive, I need to find her." I argue, just as a gun shot sounds off.

My dad takes one look at me and takes off running towards where the gunshot came from: the gas station.

I sprint after him, being the person I wanted to be when the apocalypse started.

A hero.


Hey guysss


at least Carl won't have any love interests

fetus Rick is so cute

there's something really important that happened in the show that didn't happen in this story which is why I didn't write it

^ that made no sense but if you're wondering why I didn't put something in the story


don't spoil it you spoilers

If you think you know what it is, then message me I want to see what you guys are thinking :)

or just message me for fun

I'm lonely


who do you guys think is in the gas station?

you'll find out soon enough

You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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