•Chapter Thirty-Four•

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Playlist// Serpents - Sharon Van Etten


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

Daryl and Zoe led at the front of our group. Leading us down endless train tracks.

Olive was right behind them, driving the car Collin had picked me up in, with the motorcycle sticking lightly out of the trunk. Collin and I stood side by side in the back, not saying a word. We hadn't talked since last night after second shift, being Daryl and Olive, came so we could sleep. But we walked together as if we were going to speak the whole time.

It's like back in the school days when you and your friend have a small fight. You don't want to talk about it, or even talk to each other, but you want to know they're still there right next to you.

In fact, no one talked. It was dead silent. But they all had valid, mature reasons. Daryl and Zoe were focusing on finding survivors. Olive was just naturally not going to talk much anyway. Collin and I just didn't talk because-

Well frankly, I don't know why we weren't talking. We just weren't, and it killed me internally. Ever since I came back to Carl, I hated silence. You never knew when, or if it was ever going to end.

This was tiring, antagonizing. I just wanted to be in Carl's arms again. Nothing felt right. The skies were grayer. I seemed to slouch more. And I smiled less.

I look over at Collin to see him looking straight forward as if he was driving. I couldn't help but compare it to last night, when he was questioning me about Carl, but wouldn't look at me.

I hear a groaning noise from the left of me, the side Collin wasn't on. Before I could react, the creature grabs my shoulder, jolting me back.

I fall down to the tracks, tripping over myself. Before the Walker could take another step towards me, Collin flings his arm at its head, stabbing straight thought its skull.

He holds out his hand for me to help me up. I didn't notice that the whole group had stopped, staring at me as I smiled at Collin and took his hand to stand up.

When I was up, Collin doesn't remove his hand from mine. He holds my hand, gently swinging it as we walked once more.

I kept glancing down at our hands, curious as to what was going through Collin's brain right now.


My legs felt like crumbling after the six hours we had been walking, searching. We had to stop for fuel a few times, being the time I would hop into the car and let my legs rest.

I tried asking if I could ride with Olive for a little bit, but Daryl declined implying that if we found anyone, they may not see him, and start to shoot or hide.

Then, when I argued, he brought up the fact that what if Carl saw the group and immediately hid. That shut me up from begging.

Collin still hasn't let go of my hand, which is kind of aggravating. If I did find Carl, and he saw this, I don't think he'd very happy.

Out of nowhere the sky crackles and releases water out onto us. I try covering my head with my hands but, obviously, my hands aren't big enough to cover it.

Olive then stops, encouraging us to get in. Zoe hops in the front, next to Olive. And Daryl, Collin, and I get into the back, me being in the middle. I wiggle around uncomfortably between the two guys.

Collin's hand finally wasn't linked with mine. It felt refreshing, almost as if I was doing something I wasn't supposed to.

As if I had jinxed it, Collin's hand unites with my body once again. But this time, his hand wasn't wrapped around mine. His hand laid on my knee closest to him.

I look over to him, questioning him with my eyes. Again, his vision is forward, no interest in looking back at me.

There's another difference between Carl and Collin. Carl took every chance he could to look at me. When I looked at him, he was already looking at me. Collin takes every chance he gets to not look at me. We rarely make eye contact, and when we do its not going to be in a good way.

I don't even know why I was comparing the two. They are complete opposites in every aspect.

I feel Daryl's eyes staring down at Collin's hand. I was tempted to remove his hand, but something in me made me say I shouldn't.

So I left it there, soaking in Daryl's grimaces and Collin's smirks.



so this was just a filler I guess

Nothing important


idk if I'll update before Christmas or on Christmas (tomorrow's Christmas Eve you punk go tell everyone) so


everyones but Melanie's favorite holiday


4th of July is my favorite holiday idk I'm weird

sorry about bringing up religion I'll shut up now

So what's you guys ask for for Christmas

Here's my list:

-Chandler Riggs
-Carl Grimes
-The boy with his fathers hat
-The main guys son
-the youngest person on that one good show
-that cute boy that rhymes with farl
-main character on Mercy
- screw it Chandler Riggs again

Sooo yeah hopefully my mom got one of them


You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.



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