•Chapter Fourty•

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Bad Blood - Bastille
Miss Jackson - Panic! at the Disco

*Zoe's P.O.V.*

As I walk through the woods, making as little noise as possible, my heart beats faster than usual.

If these people are even in Rick's group, who says they'll believe that I'm with Rick and others. I would've brought Greyson and Carl, but keeping them safe was more important then risking them if this is a random, cold blood group.

I stop in my tracks when I'm greeted by three guns pointing straight at my brain.

"Put your weapons down." A woman with shoulder length hair and combat boots says as stepping forward.

"I-I'm just looking for people." I say, setting my pistol down along with my tiny knife.

"So are we." An African American woman says, her fluffy hair in a pony tail, and her look hard.

"Are you looking for a Rick? Rick Grimes?" I ask, looking at the last person, an African American man with no hair and a genuine face.

"How do you know that?" The first woman says, all three bodies coming towards me.

"We're with them." I say, holding my hands up. "I'm looking for you actually." No one says anything in response, only stares at me as if I had kidnapped Rick.

"Carl Grimes. Greyson Mellark. Daryl Dixon. They're all there." I look around, inspecting their facial expressions.

"I don't know who you are, or how you know who our friends are, but what you're playing is bullshit." The second woman says, looking through the scope on her weapon.

As soon as I open my mouth to respond, I was stopped by a gun shot in the direction the kids were.

The kids.

"Carl, Greyson!" I gasp, immediately running in the direction where I left them. I hear the patters of the people I found behind me as I ran quickly to the people I promised Rick that would be alive.

Another gun shot. It was only making me more anxious. My hands shook as I ran even faster to my destination.

Once we were in the location Greyson and Carl were, I immediately went to grab my gun, but my holster was empty.

My panic was soon ended when the Walker gripping Greyson was limp on the ground. I look to my left to see the woman who had the scope on her gun putting down her weapon and running towards Greyson.

I inspect all the walkers the two had killed while the others reunited with their group.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

The moment Sasha let go of Greyson was the moment I grabbed ahold of her. I wanted to hug Sasha, Maggie, and Bob but I wanted to comfort Greyson more.

My arms wrapped around Grey tighter then I had ever hugged her, or anyone. Her grip she planted on the collar of my shirt was bruise-worthy, but I didn't care.

I had wanted this since we lost each other, just to grab her and hug her and never let go.

"I'm sorry." Greyson whimpered in my ear for only me to hear. I hugged her tighter, relaxing her tensed muscles and induced thoughts.

"Where's Rick?" Sasha asks, touching my shoulder to pull me from Grey. Instead of fully letting go, I pick my head up from the cradle of her neck and move back a bit, my hands still holding onto her waist.

"North with Olive. Zoe's daughter." I nod at Zoe who was being given her weapons back.

Sasha nods, looking back at Zoe. "Who is she?" She whispers, hoping for Zoe not to hear.

"Her, her son, and daughter were driving a car and pulled up beside Daryl and I. They've been helping us find you guys. We found Carl and Rick, and now you guys." Grey explains, not bothering to 'unhook' herself from me.

Sasha nods, looking between Bob and Maggie.

"Have you found Glenn?" Maggie asks, raising her own hopes. I slowly shake my head, seeing her eyes flash from hope to surrender.

"Let's finish what you started." Bob says with a smile on his face as he starts walking out of the woods.

So much positivity from one guy.


I hated giving up my anger towards Grey so soon but I felt as if it were necessary after what had just happened.

I contemplated dying when I thought she was going to die. I was going to lay down and allow the Walker to kill me right then and there.

I didn't even think about my dad. I only thought that if Greyson was no longer alive, I didn't want to be either.

The arising thought of her with Collin still hadn't left my memory. It was like a piece of gum stuck in my head, I couldn't remove it.

Grey and I walked side by side the rest of the way back to the gas station, neither of us speaking. We enjoyed the assistance of the silence.

As we entered the gas station once again, Sasha, Bob, and Maggie looking around aimlessly at their unfamiliar surroundings.

I peer out the glass and vaguely through the trees see the sky. The sun wasn't quite gone but it was starting to set.

When I look back, the group was already settled. I let out a tiny sigh and take my place in front of the window.


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"We went to a water tower also. It wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep but it did us well for a night." I told Sasha after she asked where we had been.

Sasha opens her mouth to speak but stops when the doors of the gas station open. Everyone's attention flings to the front door, where Rick first spots the people we found.

Rick stops in his tracks, looking between the three people. His steps fasten and the first to be clasped in his arms is Maggie.

"Glenn?" Rick asks, gripping Maggie by her shoulder.

"He alive." She swallows, not bothering to look at Rick's eyes.

"Then we'll find him." Rick nods, assuring Maggie.

While Rick greeted the rest of the group, I glanced at Carl who was staring out the large window like he had been doing the previous night.

I kick myself off the wall, attempting to approach Carl once again. I was halted by the blonde, tempting, well-coordinated boy who I had been neglecting.

"Greyson. We should talk." He says, staring at me with a pleading stare afterwards.

I look to the area where Carl was, trying to find a reason to protest, but Carl was no longer there. My eyes wander to the ground, as if it were to give me an excuse not to go.

I slowly nod, reaching an agreement with my mind that it wouldn't be bad to have a talk.

A small talk.

Just a talk.

About what though?



okay okay I know I literally left you guys for weeks with a cliff hanger

That's why there's going to be a double update tonight

Be watching for this update friends

Does the new cover look okay?

I had so much trouble making it

I also changed my name to MelanieDarling

Like Wendy Darling

I love Peter Pan ok

next chapter oi Im gonna work hard I've already got a playlist running and everything

Get ready :) MWAHAHAHAH


You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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