•Chapter Six•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Beginners luck." Carl grumbled. "I demand a rematch soon." He crossed his arms over his chest and swayed his non-existent hip to one side. I laughed, and did a tiny victory dance.

"Carl," Rick walked in holding something I hadn't seen in a long time. A baby. "Can you look after Judith? Beth is with Carol and Maggie out hunting for places to raid." Carl's expression changed. He took one look at the baby then back at his father.

"Why can't Lizzie do it?" He asked, still not retrieving the baby.

"Carl, she's your sister." Rick said sternly. I stood uncomfortably next to Carl, hoping the awkward situation would end soon.

"Fine." Carl sighed, taking the child from his father. Rick nodded once in my direction before leaving the small shed. I don't know why we played in the shed, I'm guessing Carl just wanted more time for just him and I.

Carl rested the baby, Judith, on his hip and bounced slightly. He starred at Judith as if he was in deep thought. He soon snapped out of it and looked at me.

"Sorry, I rarely have to baby sit." Carl shrugged, holding the baby close to his body.

"No no, I don't mind." I nodded and watched as the baby snuggled into her brothers chest.

"Judith, this is Greyson." Carl said, removing the baby from his chest. The child's tiny hands we're curled in small fists and her eyes were as bright as her brothers.

I admire the baby for a few moments before looking straight at Carl. "What's wrong?" I directed towards him.

"I don't know, maybe shes tired. She's usually very vocally active." Carl stares at his baby sister.

"Not her, you." I said, watching as Carl's eyes meet mine.

"I'm fine." He lies, twisting his torso a little bit to give the baby movement.

"No you're not." I call him out. "You looked at Judith like she was about to take out a mini knife and stab you."

"She... she reminds me of my mom." He admits, bringing his eyes to the floor. "I'm not always like this towards her, It's just some days it pops up in my mind and I can't get rid of it." I nod as if I understand, but I don't. I don't know the story of his mom. I don't know how or when she died. I don't know anything, but to pretend is the best way to comfort someone.

He looks at Judith, frowning as if she we're a monster.

"Carl, I don't know what happened to your mom, and I don't want you to bring it up right now. But I'm guessing your mom was beautiful and that she loved you very much." I tried to calm him. He nods, still focusing on Judith. "Then remember that when you see Judith, not your moms death, just all the positive things about her. Like earlier, we started talking about good things in the world. Now remember all the good things about your mom, and apply them to Judith." I don't know if my little speech gave him any happiness or brought his spirits up at all, but I do know I tried.

I knew I succeeded when Carl's deep frown quickly formed into a slight smile towards his sister. Without another word, Carl pecked Judith's forehead and opened the door to the shed.


I decided not to go with Carl to help feed and change his sister. We've been together all day, It's time for a break.

I slowly walked back to my cell, remembering the stories Carl told me about this prison. All the memories he's had in it. It kind of made me happy to know all of these stories. They give Carl so much more meaning. Yesterday when I walked here with Carl, I would've just thought he was just another kid in this world. But now, now Carl is so much more than another person who is just trying to help.

Once I was safely in my cell, I noticed something laying on my bed that wasn't there when I left.

My book.

Sasha stuck to her word and brought me an actual book. I picked up the book, reading the words across the cover.

"A Walk To Remember." I said out loud. I opened the first page, eager to get start, when a slip of paper fell from the book. I look down and grabbed the paper, curious to what it said.

'Michonne thought you'd like a little bit of romance, hope you like it! I'll look for more when we go out again. :)


I put the piece of paper back into the book, using it as a marker to mark my place in the book, and smiled. That's something I've been doing a lot lately, smiling. Before I came here I didn't smile as much, I still smiled, laughing at my own jokes, or congratulating myself for killing another biter. Now, it's like every five seconds theres another smile escaping.

I sighed and sat down on my bed, in the position I was last night with Carl. I opened the book and began reading just like I used to.

Just like I used to, when the world wasn't a mess.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

"Here," Michonne said, handing me the bottle for Judith. I quietly thanked her and slowly pushed the bottle in Judith's mouth, her excitingly grabbing the bottle and sucking it.

"So, how'd you find the little one, Greyson?" Michonne asked while sharpening the blade on her katana.

"My hat fell off when I was going for a walk. It just happened to fly to her. She picked it up, I aimed my gun at her, she threw it at me, and I shot a walker that was behind her." I explained, laying Judith on the counter.

"What made you trust her?" Michonne asked, not taking her eyes off of the katana.

"She offered me Cheerios. I don't think a blood thirsty killer would willingly give away Cheerios." Michonne laughs but stays looking at her Katana.

"So she just came with you after that?" She asked.

"Yeah, well, no. She fought it but I told her it's better than eating Cheerios by a tree." Michonne nodded, rising her eyes as she rose her katana.

"Anything going on between you two?" She replies, finally looking at me.

"No, we're just friends." I shake my head. "It would've been the same if it we're a guy."

"Honey," Michonne stands up, putting her katana in its holder. "If you acted that way towards a guy, we'd think you were gay." With that, Michonne left. Leaving just me and Judith in the room.


Hey guyss!


incase you don't know who Chandler Riggs is (you should) (I'm shunning you) it's the actor that plays Carl.

soooo how's life my little dumpings?

jk you guys aren't dumplings your monsters




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