•Chapter Fourty-One•

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Mama - My Chemical Romance
The Draw - Bastille
Dance Little Liar - Arctic Monkeys


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

The room Collin had guided me to had a memory flowing through it that I didn't want to resurface. My eyes fluttered to the ground where the Walker he had killed, saving me, still remained. It taunted me with the memory, killing my insides.

Collin's striking voice had interrupted my rough thoughts, placing me back into reality.

"Remember this room. A few days ago." He says, his stare not leaving from my eyes.

"I do." I admit, avoiding eye contact.

His body moves to my side, immediately causing me to tense my muscles.

"Remember the water tower?" He moves even closer, his mouth now by my ear.

"Mhm." I hum, swallowing the immense feeling of desire.

"How come he appears, and then it all stops?" I stay still, as if I were trying to persuade someone not to kill me. My heart sinks, knowing he can feel my nervousness. "The stares, the whispers, the talks," He whispers in my ear. "The kisses." His lips lightly touch my jawline, as if an angel had just kissed me. Even when he had left his spot, I could still feel the warmth he left behind.

I say nothing, I do nothing. My body was suctioned to the ground as if his kiss had paralyzed me. My eyes scan the room, stopping when I see him, smirking as if he has won.

"I-I told you who Carl was." I argue, staring directly at him.

"I think you forgot to mention the love interest part." He says, leaning against the wall about two feet from me.

"Wait, I think I've come to a conclusion." He says, tilting his head. "The stares, the whispers, the talks, the kisses. Those moments were all his before I came, weren't they?" He raises one eye brow.

I gulp, wishing I had found an excuse earlier not to come in here.

"You know, I didn't get it when he kissed you. When you completely started ignoring me. I beat myself up, accusing myself of something I knew wasn't true." He admits, his smirk fading. "'He has something I don't' I would tell myself." He begins to circle around me, claiming his point. "Charm, looks, kick ass monster killing skills." I clench and unclench my teeth. "Then a thought occurred." He says, stopping in front of me. "He has you. That's what I'm missing."

"Nobody has me. He doesn't have me, you don't have me. No one."

"He won you over, is what I meant." He explains.

"I'm not giving up, if that's what you thought. This isn't a goodbye speech. It's just to show you that I'm going to fight for you. Whatever it takes."

I stay put for a few seconds, evaluating what he had said. I walk out of the tiny room, regretting even walking into it. When I'm out, the group had already began to rest, Maggie, Bob, and Sasha being the first asleep.

I let out a sigh I wasn't aware I was holding in and emerge to my sleeping area.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

Grey and I walked three feet in front of Zoe, researching the places we walked yesterday.

The open forest area Grey and I waited in yesterday was now Walker free. As if the Walkers had come alive again and left.

I walk around the area, inspecting the grass for any trace of movement.

When I turn around I'm surprised when a walker is tugging at my clothing. I struggle to fight it off, its teeth dangerously close to my arm.

It's weight overpowers me, causing me to fall onto the dirt. When I'm down and vulnerable, the Walker changes. As if it had a weird power to morph.

Now the Walker was Grey. She was looking down at me with fright, her body slowly backing up.

I look down at my arms that were lifted. My gun was pointed straight at Greyson's skull.

"Carl." Her sweet, soothing voice changes the scenery. It wasn't changed drastically, but now I was standing, watching Grey on the grass. Now she was the vulnerable one. I was still pointing my gun at her, but this time I felt as if I had wanted to. My grip was as tight as when I wanted to eliminate a walker.

Merciless, I pull my finger back, releasing a bullet aimed straight for Greyson. When her body jolts back, my world goes black.

I jerk up from the floor of the gas station, my breath unsteady and my heart racing.

I look to my right, seeing a limp body next to me. Grey's brown hair is flipping in many directions and her body rises and falls in a breathing motion.

I let out a breath, gently brushing my fingers through her messy hair.

I look over at the empty area, designated for the person in charge of watching over us for the night. I see Collin's striking blue eyes piercing back at me. The moonlight reflected off his skin in a "stalker following you into a valley at night" kind of way. I swallow, knowing he saw the way I had calmed when I saw Grey.

I slowly lay back down, the look Collin gave me still fresh in my memory.



for once I kept my promise oi

Sorry it's short :(

You guys better thank Carlstoco on vine because she reminded me to update

my vine is carlwub for the fellows who don't know

did I trick you guys at first with Carls dream?


what a vibe killer

I'm on spring break wooooo



Okay I'm hyper BYEBYEBYEBYE yeee

WAIT I have a Dark Serenity playlist on Spotify now!

My user is httpstilinski and it should be my only public playlist

Plus it's called Dark Serenity you can't miss it

I'll be putting song in there that kind of have to do with Dark Serenity so go listennnn :)

You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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