•Chapter Eighteen•

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Playlist// I'm Not The Only One - Sam Smith
Let It Go - The Neighborhood

*Greyson's P.O.V.*

Thoughts of how I was going to approach Carl flooded my head as I climbed up the stairwell I knew so well. With each step higher I took, the more guilt filled the pit of my stomach. What am I supposed to say? Oh hey, sorry for leaving without any explanation.

As I make it up the steps I hear a grunt coming from one of the cells down the hall. I aggressively grab my bottom lip with my teeth, biting it.

A shadow slightly limps to the cell door, seeping it's fingers through the gaps between the bars and gripping as if the world had no gravity.

The person's hair fell in front of their eyes as they coldly stared at the floor beneath them.

I examined the person as I inched forward, closer to the human who had looked at the floor as if asking for advice.

Piecing the puzzle together, I identified the person as the same exact reason why I'm here again in the first place.

It was Carl.

Carl looked to the left, slumping over as if he had a bad back. Words rushed in and out of my head before I could form any way to inform him of my presence.

Slowly, he turned his head to my direction. Here it comes. I felt as if this moment was going slower than I anticipated. I sucked in a deep breath, but it felt as if I couldn't breathe. As if I were dreaming I was underwater: You can still breath, it being a dream and all, but hardly.

I couldn't tell what would happen next. Would he look away? Walk right past me? Scream? Tackle me? The possibilities were endless.

The way his eyes stared at me startled me. Cold. Full of pain, hurt. I could do nothing but breathe and blink. It's like his stare had traumatized me. He kept me under a spell that had kept me from moving anywhere, just with his eyes.

My heart stopped when he started steadily walking towards me. Time moved fast, and so did he. He moved as fast as he could without running. My heart was now pounding, both out of anticipation and terror. My breath was hitched and my legs locked in place. Nothing could've made this situation more intense.

As he made it to me his actions didn't slow down. His body didn't stop moving. Immediately his hands were up and cupping my jawline and his lips had collided with mine. I couldn't fight the urge I had to kiss him back, so I did. The tip of his hat was brisking the top of my scalp but he, nor I moved purposely. We both let our mouths take control of the situation. Nothing was slowing down to normal pace or even letting my heart catch up to what was happening. The adrenaline flowed through my body like a virus. I couldn't stop, and I could tell he couldn't either.

Moments later he pulls away, instantly breathing heavy. The outcome of kissing never was pretty, but it was worth it.

"Why?" Carl said, still cupping my cheeks. He searched my face for any sign of remorse or mercy. I scrambled for words, blankly letting out an ah or heavy breathing here and there.

I expected him to say more, to explain what 'why' meant, even though I already knew the meaning. He stared at me as if I had just rejected him. Which I most definitely didn't do.

"Carl," Rick breathes out from the end of the hallway. He looked relieved, less stressed. "You're walking."

Carl drops his hands from my jawline and stares down the dark corridor. I turn around, watching as Rick made his way to the area Carl and I were standing.

"How do you feel?" Rick asked, glancing at his sons wrapped up waistline.

"Fine." Carl answered, not bothering to take a look at his hip.

I didn't notice how close I was to Carl until I snapped out of my deep thoughts. Rick didn't seen to notice, which I was thankful for, but Carl obviously did. His arms tensed up as he balled his fists at his sides.

I slide over a few inches, giving him the space I knew he was itching to have.

When he gradually scooted closer to me I knew my assumption was wrong. Or maybe he was just afraid I'd disappear again.

Rick nodded, obviously getting that Carl and I needed time alone.

As he walked by, he leaned near Carl and not-so-discreetly he half whispered to Carl. "Thank Daryl."

Once I was sure he was gone, I look up at Carl, begging for mercy with my eyes. I was going to need it for what I was about to say.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could think of through all of this. It was awful, but it was something.

Carl didn't say anything, didn't even look at me. He solely was consumed on what to say back, like I was.

In substitute of speaking, he stayed quiet and gestured for me to follow him. We walked one cell past Carl's and ended up in front of the cell beside his. He slowly opened the door, the screams from the door was the only noise audible. I slowly moved in there, watching Carl as I did so. He still was mute, but you could tell he was dying to say something.

"Goodnight, Grey. I missed you." He said, staring at me through the bars. I was confused why I was in the room next to his, and not my old one. Maybe it was filled?

"Please don't leave again." He mustered out, wincing as if I threw something at him.

Oh, so that's why.

Hey guysss!

So I know this chapter is short but I'm running late to Comic-con and I don't want to kill my battery

I really really liked writing this chapter hopefully you got the intense scene of it






You're Beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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