•Chapter Fourty-Nine•

274 16 14

House of Gold - Twenty-One Pilots
The Judge - Twenty-One Pilots
Toothpaste Kisses - The Maccabees

(Listen in that order)

*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Those are beautiful." I gasp, admiring the boards in front of me. There was at least seven boards, all ranging from a penny board to a long board.

"Take your pick." Carl mumbles in my ear, his firm hands gripping my shoulders.

I excitingly run towards a penny board that was my favorite color; blue, and had red wheels.

"Have you ever been on one before?" Mikey asks, grabbing a long board.

"A few times. My sisters friends used to bring them over and let me ride on them while they got food or something." I shrug, exiting the garage with Carl with his green nickel board.

"You'll have to teach me." Carl chuckles, motioning to his board.

"I only got to the part where you get on the board." I laugh, playfully hitting him in the gut.


"Almost got it." Carl says as holding onto my waist and lightly rolling me forward.

I hold my arms out as if I were a plane, using them to keep my balance.

Carl's hands slowly let go of my waist, leaving me to roll by my own. I try my best to to stay still, my eyes starting to close from the sensation.

It's funny how the best feeling moment on earth came nowhere close to the feeling I got when I was near Carl.


The moment got even more amazing at the feeling of him near me. The absolute bliss of having him as company was more than enough to keep me happy.

I come to a gentle stop, feeling arms wrap around me again, lifting me off of the board.

My legs wrapped around Carl's torso, bringing me closer to him.

Our lips combined in the best kiss I have ever experienced. We both put full effort into it, gravity bringing our bodies even closer.

I couldn't help but compare this moment to the one with Collin in the water tower. Except, with Carl I only needed him to touch me and I would get twice the passion than an intense kiss with Collin.

He lets me off of his waist, grabbing my hand as soon as I was down.

He stays looking at me, the corners of his lips curving up into a smirk.

His eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue, highlighting life in front of them. His lips were a beautiful pink color, radiating desire to anyone within a 10 feet radius. His hair like dark chocolate, something I want nothing but to roam my fingers through the strands of his hair. His hands, softer than the softest of pillows. His voice, changing with his emotion or state of being. Velvety when he had just woken up, clear and confident when expressing his love for me, soft and deep when he is in the mood to tease me, child-like when coo'ing at Judith, strong when defending the people he loves.

All I can do is think about him, worry about him, dream about him. He's all I want in this world, all I could ask for.

"I love you." Out comes the confident voice as he cups my cheek with one hand and holds my hand with his other.

"I love you too, more than you could imagine."


"Hello, hello." Deanna says, entering our temporary home.

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