•Chapter Four•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I woke up and stretched my arms above my head. Carl left late last night, very noisily. I don't think he knows he woke me up, but he did. He's lucky I didn't strangle him there.

I take a peak outside my cell, searching the large room for the boy who had read me to sleep previously. As looking, a tiny face appears in front of me, bouncing with glee.

"Greyson?" A young girl said, her hair with natural curls and dirt intertwined. "Have you seen Trevor?" She asks, her big blue eyes stare straight at me.

"Uh," I look around through the bars. "No?" I answered, sounding more unsure myself. I'm not really sure which one is Trevor, but since I just woke up I'll guess I haven't seen him.

"Oh," she takes one look around her. "Okay, thank you!" She chirps and walks off. I look back at the room I was searching but come up short of the mysterious boy. I sigh and wrap my hands around the bars of my cell before pulling it back with a little squeak.

I walk out and see the little girl who was previously talking to me with her hands over her eyes and her mouth mouthing different numbers.

"Thirty!" She chirps. "Ready or not here I come!" The girl starts searching the area, looking for I'm assuming the boy Trevor.

"Hi Greyson!" She smiles before running to the cafeteria.

I started walking into rooms with different people talking or working on different things. I stop just before another room, hearing a lady talking softly.

"So you just use a vine as a hair tie, works just as well. Well, the best we can get until another trip into town." I hear her say before someone shuffles and coughs a bit.

"Thank you Carol." A girl, definitely young, says before there's more shuffling. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but the moment was settling to me. Reminded me of my mom.

"Interesting?" A woman says from behind me, causing me to jump.

"Sorry," she gestures towards my reaction. "Sasha." She holds out her hand for me to shake.

"Greyson." I slowly shake her hand.

"I know. Rick told me all about Carl bringing you here." Rick? Carl's dad?

"Yeah." I awkwardly say, watching the ground as if it's going to take me to a place probably safer than here.

"You wanna go in? I was just about to go in and say hello." She gestures towards the room. I look at the slightly cracked door then back at the smiling woman.

"Come on," She smiles at me. "Carol can even do your hair."

Without an answer the woman opens the door fully and waits in the door way for me to enter with her.

"Hey Carol." Sasha smiles at the woman as she brushes through Lizzie's thick pony-tail.

I watch at the woman looks up at me, her eyes automatically staying on me. Every time I enter somewhere, I feel as if they're all waiting for me to attempt to attack them. I'm young, not dumb. I know assaulting a whole building full of people when it's only me isn't smart.

"I'm Carol." She stands up and walks over towards Sasha and I.

"Greyson." I half-smile at her.

"Well, Greyson, would you like me to brush through your hair?" She looks over my dark brown curls as I watch her.

"Uh, sure. That'd be great." I smile at her, following her to the seat she was previously sitting in. She motions for me to sit in the spot Lizzie was sitting in only moments ago before she got up and left without a word.

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