•Chapter Fifteen•

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Playlist// MGMT ~ Youth

*Rick's P.O.V.*

I held onto Carl's hand, awaiting for him to wake up again and actually talk this time. Carl twisted and turned, signs that showed he was going to wake soon.

"He's lookin' good." Daryl comments. "True warrior he is." I only nod in response, desperately wanting my son to wake up.

"Stop worryin'. Hershel said your boy is gon' be fine." Daryl pats me on the back.

Without any cue, Carl awakens, instantly investigating his surroundings.

"Dad?" He lifts his head, immediately laying it back down, due to acheness.

"I'm here, my boy, I'm here." I hold on stronger to his hand and kiss it. I remember the long nights of sleeping on the floor next to the bed he laid on. Only two nights, but still hard to watch him like this, again.

"Did." He took a second to cough. "Did you find Greyson?" He looks at me, a tiny hint of hope in his eyes.

I slowly shake my head, showing sympathy. "No. We haven't been looking since you," I stop and motion to his wound.

"Oh." Is all he musters out, shutting his eyes once more.

I feel a hand land on my shoulder, causing me to jump and turn around.

"The offer is still open." Daryl tips his head at my son, suggesting without words that we look for the girl. I glance back once at Carl, then back to Daryl, seeing the genuine look on his features.


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I haven't left the cabin yet. The place was quite cozy for a fifteen year old girl living on her own in the world ending apocalypse. It was really clustered with junk though, making me think it was a storage cabin.

One week. One week until I left. A whole week out, and I spent the whole time thinking about Carl.

I bet he already forgot about me. Already is fitting in with the group. Already found a new friend.

Friend, what a weird word now-a-days. Friend. Now, there's only the living, and the dead. There is no friends.

That's why its best I left.

I picked my machete up, leaving my other weapons behind me. All I was going to do was walk outside and search not far from my 'home'. I was running low on food and it wouldn't hurt to get a few more weapons to defend myself with.

As soon as I walked out, I noticed a few biters roaming the area around my house. Only about, five. I carefully, and quietly, snuck up behind one, chopping its head off with one clean swipe. The attack alarmed the others, them now aware of my whereabouts.

"Come here." I whispered, taunting them.

One came closest to me, rising its hands to get a grip on my shoulders. Not today Walker. I sliced my machete to my right, hitting it right in the head. Another one came even closer then the last, gnashing its teeth together for it's daily meal. I, again, sliced in a horizontal motion, cutting its head straight off.

Two more left. You can do this Grey.

Grey. Carl called me that.

My brain became cloudly, thinking only of the boy who wore his father's hat. The memories, they flooded in and I couldn't stop the leakage. I closed my eyes, only for a mili-second. And when I opened them, two hungry Walkers were pacing towards me, already biting at the air around me.

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