•Chapter Seventeen•

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Playlist// Afraid - The Neighborhood


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

Rick and I both shoot up out of our seats at the sound of a vehicle door shutting. For precaution, I hold up my machete as I inch towards the front door. I peek behind me, seeing Rick nod at me in approval with his gun raised near his head.

I open the door slowly. There's a good chance it's Daryl, but just incase. You can never be too sure in this world.

I walk out of the cabin, Rick right on my heel. There was nothing in clear vision but the walkers I had killed before I was "rescued".

We emerge around the corner, instantly being startled by a tiny Asian.

"Don't swing don't swing!" Glenn calls, blocking his head with his arms. I chuckled, lowering my machete. Daryl comes up behind Glenn, smirking like he just got complimented.

"I told you not to just go walkin' up on 'em." Daryl leans to his side and spits on the ground with a weird noise following.

"I've missed you." Is all Glenn says, infracting me into a hug. It kind of caught me off guard being I only talked to Glenn maybe three times. Still, I missed him as well.

"Can we please have the family reunion at the prison. Them walkers are starting to come out now." Daryl comments, pointing to the black Range Rover looking vehicle. I search around, not feeling Ricks presence anymore. I look at Daryl cluelessly, wondering where Rick went.

"Let's go." Rick pops up, holding the bags that I claimed as mine.

"Wait." I say, not ready to go back to the place I had intentionally left. "It's not too late to just tell him you couldn't find me."

"No." Daryl said, shooting daggers at me with his eyes.

"Come on. Carl will not be able to grow up with a 'friend' around." I say, fighting one last time. "He'll be soft and careless, and he'll end up," I didn't want to say it, but all those words already came out. I couldn't stop it now. "Dead." I emphasized.

I looked over to Rick and could tell he was contemplating my suggestion. He starred at me as if I were crazy, but you could tell his brain was struggling, and that he was having an internal conflict.

"It's too late," Glenn said, looking amongst the guys. "I already told him."


*Glenn's P.O.V.*

"It's too late, I already told him." I lied, searching between the two men's facial expressions, hoping they'd back up my myth. There was no other way to get Greyson to come with us unless I told her something I knew she didn't want to hear.

Rick didn't say anything, he merely marched to the vehicle, a solemn look on his features.

"Come on kid." Daryl said, wavering at Greyson. She still looked as if I just told her he was dead.

She followed in Rick's footsteps, silently walking to the car. I took a glance at where Greyson had been staying. It wasn't to bad to find out here in the woods. But it wasn't too good to see either.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

I flinch at any movement I make. My leg was getting to the point where I'd rather be like Hershel than deal with this.

I slightly grunt when I adjust myself to sit up. My body feels overheated but frozen at the same time. My skin trembles when I think about what this world has become. My stomach drops everytime I think about Grey leaving. My heart hurts when I think that my dad will never let me go search for her again. Nothing feels right, and it's not just that this world has become hell. I feel like there's a normal for everything, and my normal in this post apocalypse world was being with my dad, Carol, Hershel, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Patrick, all the kids, Bob, Sasha, Tyrese, Juddith, Daryl, and Grey. Being safe in this prison. Life actually going good for once in this awful world. But obviously, the world wouldn't let anything be perfect anymore.

I, very slowly, move my legs to where they touch the ground, and I am sitting up. The pain was bearable. I was tired of being cooped up in my cell where rarely I would have any social encounters. Except for the occasional "Hi Carl"'s from people passing by.

I arch my back, and gently try my best to stand up. The first attempt failed, ending in me falling back onto my bed. But the second time, I grabbed onto the wall and successfully stood up with medium pain in my hip. When I walk- limped, the pain felt like when you have growing pains. It wasn't exactly the worst feeling, nor was it the best.

I gripped onto the door of my open cell and peered at the ground. I felt as if I just ran a marathon but all I did was get out of bed. I looked to my left, searching for someone to pass by and ask if I was crazy, but I saw no one. I cringed a bit when I put weight on my left leg but ignored it because this minimal socialization was killing me.

I turned to my right to head for the stairs but instead there was someone standing there, blocking my path. The body looked lady-like, but strong in a business woman kind of way. The shadow covered more than half of the persons face, but their build wasn't missable. The legs, the jaw line, the clothing. My eyes widened at the realization of the identity of that person.

It was Greyson.


YAYYY I updateddd

How are you guys liking season 5 of The Walking Dead?

I cry


7 D.A.Y.S.

I can't breathe help

I will update you guys on what happens happily


Carl hasn't been in it much and it's making me sad all he's done is been detective Carl

Tonight we find out about Beth I think

(SPOILER!!!!!!!!!) I can't fricking believe Bob died wtf I started crying why bob why

Fricking zambies

anywaysss!! I'll try to update more but the 10th is my birthday so don't expect an update

Actually you might get one if I'm feeling happy okokokok

You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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