•Chapter Fifty-Three•

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Waiting Game - BANKS
idfc - Blackbear


*Earlier That Morning*

*Collin's P.O.V.*

I walk down the steps, a certain sadness in the way I walked. A slump, if you may.

I hazily stood next to my sister, carelessly leaning again the wall. Most everyone was out of the washroom and was ready to start their day of work.

I never hung around the people who were around my age, for it was too hard to see her in the arms of him all day.

Instead, I walked around the neighborhood, purposely avoiding the streets I knew they were on, and find something halfway purposeful for me to do.

"Carl!" I hear come from the flight of stairs. Unfortunately, there was a wall blocking my vision from the source.

Flying down the steps, Carl comes with a look of despair and disgust. I couldn't help but be happy that the prick was finally feeling some sort of catastrophe.

He turns around, now Greyson in sight. He stares at her coldly, as if she had just stabbed him in the back.

My emotions softened at the look on Greyson's face when Carl yelled, "I can't believe you!" Right at her. She looked weaker then ever before, and that pained me.

Carl rushes out the door, slamming it on his way out. As I thought, Greyson runs towards the door, following him. Figures, the asshole always wins.

I look around the room, seeing everyone shocked or uninterested. I kept a neutral expression, but I couldn't fight the happy feeling in my gut.

"Someone go ch-" Before Sasha could finish her sentence I was already pacing at the door, ready to chase after the only girl I've had feelings for since the apocalypse started.

As I look around, Greyson was nowhere to be seen. My heart crumbled at the thought of her chasing after him and getting rejected.

My legs began to run, leading me in a particularly new direction. The only sounds viable were those of my shoes as they slammed onto the heated cement, and my breath catching every time I think I spot her.

A silhouette of a girl was watching the road I was about to run on. The determination in my soul pushed me harder as I drove myself to the figure. As I got closer I realized it wasn't Greyson on the side of the road, staring aimlessly at the pebbled cemented together.

"I knew you'd stop." She smirks as I come to a halt in front of her. She pats the ground beside her, motioning for me to join her.

"Don't talk, just listen." She demands, staring at me. I open my mouth to oblige, but she lazily drags her hand up to my jawline and shuts my mouth physically.

"I know you like Greyson, I see how you look at them."

As I brought down my beer bottle, through the glass I could see them as they swayed back and forth in a gentle but distracting motion. She giggles at him, following his lead in a dance. All I can imagine is if I was the one she was head over heels for. If I could kiss her when I wanted, gently pressing my mouth to the bare skin of her neck. If I could be by her side at all times, protecting her. I am the one she's supposed to love, not him.

I swallow, biting my tongue to keep from saying something I regret.

"I'm going to help you win her over." She tilts her head to the side in an innocent way, even though she is by no means innocent.

"Why?" I mock her motion, tilting my head to the side.

She smiles, tilting her head back to the right position. "She possesses something I want, as well."

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