•Chapter Thirty•

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Playlist// Off I Go - Greg Laswell


*Carl's P.O.V.*

I stand there before my dad, staring down at him. He was breathing but looked dead. Anything I did wouldn't wake him. Shaking him, screaming, even hiting him with a pillow.

"Typical." I rolled my eyes. "When I need you most you just lay there, commencing a silence when I only want the loud sound of talk."

I hear a groaning noise banging on the door my dad was blocking.

Not now. Why can't they just die?

Oh wait.

The only possibility of getting to the Walkers was moving my dad and the couch.

I couldn't even move the couch if I tried.

I needed to find a way out of the house before the walkers attracted more. That'd be a problem.

I spy a window out of the corner of my eye and head for it. It's the only chance I have of killing them fast.

A small "umph" escapes my mouth as I drop out of the window. I quickly dust myself off and peer around the corner, eyeing my opponents.

They both were tiny folks, looking around the age of 25. Possibly a couple.

But none-the-less, they were now horrid creatures who have no capability of emotion.

I slowly creep up behind them and attack one without the other noticing. By the time the guy noticed, the girl had already dropped to the ground.

Easy job.

I had crawled my way back into the window after defeating the two walkers outside the front door. Nothing but a quick stab in the head took them down. They both settled on the front porch area, the thin layer of blood they had left spilling all over the wooden boards.

I circled around the couch to see my father, still blacked out.

"I kill two walkers." I said to my silenced dad. "They were going to get in." I stared straight at his lifeless body. "But I killed them." I shrugged off.

"I killed them." I repeated. "I saved you." My voice was raising, and so was my temper. "I didn't forget while you had us playing farmer. I still know how to survive. How to kill." I emphasized kill. During my time at the prison, my father had taken away my gun. I still snuck a gun with me everywhere I went, but I didn't get to freely shoot it.

"I don't need you anymore." I declared. "I don't need you to protect me anymore. You probably couldn't even protect me." I clenched my fists at my sides and hoped I could get this out of my system before he woke up. "You couldn't protect Judith!" I swore. "You couldn't protect-" I stopped myself from saying the one name that caused me so much pain of living on the earth without her.

"Hershel, or Glenn, or Maggie. Michonne, Daryl, Carol. Or-" I still tried to keep myself from saying it. But I couldn't stop myself any longer. I had to say it.

"Or Greyson." I spat.

"You just wanted to play hide and seek. He knew where we were and you didn't care!" My stomach dropped knowing my intentions for that comment were at the governor. "They're all gone now." I whimpered. "Because of you!"

"They counted on you, you were their leader! You thought you knew how this all would go out. We would hide in a fence forever!" I yelled out, now not caring if he heard or not.

"Now, you're just as worthless as a Walker roaming outside." I sat down, leaning against the couch. I didn't care. I didn't care if he was dead. I didn't care if I died. I didn't care if the world went up in flames right now. I couldn't live without her, and he knew that.

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