•Chapter Thirteen•

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Playlist// 5 Seconds Of Summer ~ Amniesa

*Greyson's P.O.V.*

//3 Days Later//

It's been three days. Three days since I've seen Carl. Three days since I've actually been safe. Three days.

I've encountered many, many walkers on my journey. I don't know exactly how many, but there was times when I felt like it was the end of my journey.

I took a lesson from my last trip when I was alone. Always sleep in the first place you find. You might not find another until it's too late.

It was a shed I slept in. Little to no light, and unwanted shit everywhere. A lot less comfy than my bed back at the prison.

Greyson, the prison can't be forever. You have to move on.

I wonder how Carl took it. Bad, good, screamed, laughed, cried? Any emotion at all?

I'll tell you one thing. I cried.

I actually cried. I tried to stop but I couldn't. It wouldn't work for me. Everything just felt like after it had been lifted from my shoulders, it came right back down, slamming hard.

I walked with a tough look on my face. All the leaves around me crunched, giving me noise when I just want silence.


A few hours later I spot a cottage near a lake with a dock hanging off the end. It was a cute, wooden home. Good for a good nights rest.

I look to my side, feeling a tiny breeze, remembering the cloth that tore from my shirt at the house I found before the shed. It got caught on the window I tried shutting to prevent Walkers from visiting me. I tried re-opening the window, but it wouldn't budge, so I had to rip it. This shirt being my only clothing now.

I emerge towards the cottage, seeing there being no walkers near it.

I wouldn't mind staying here for a few nights.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

Three days and no one went looking for Greyson. Sasha and Michonne tried backing me up, claiming she was a part of the group. But my dad wouldn't give in. He just told us he didn't want people searching like they did for Sofia. We all knew how that ended up.

I was lonely. I was mean. I constantly got mad at my dad for unknown reasons. I declared my opinions didn't matter when someone would ask me something as simple as if we should go on a run or not.

I missed my best friend.

"Carl, lunch." My dad said, knowing I was in my cell reading comic books.

"I'm not hungry." I say, not taking my eye off of the page even though I wasn't reading.

"Eat." He commanded, walking away. I shake my head and get off of my bed. He is my dad, I have to obey him.

Instead of going towards the cafeteria, I walk backwards, finding myself stopping at Grey's cell.

I peer in there, to see a book laying half under the bed, half peeking out.

I open the cell, curious to the item. Once I reach it, I pick it up, bringing it to my viable vision.

'A Walk To Remember'

The book we read together. The book that made us giggle, her cry, and made me believe in love.

I trinket it under my arm and start walking back to my cell to place this on my bed for later. I notice a little slip of paper seeping out from the top of the book. I place my fingers in the crease between the paper, and the book page. Once I open it, I notice lettering covering it, and a tiny piece of the corner ripped off. I reach into my pocket and find the tiny slip of tear-stained paper. I place it up to the paper in the book, the shape matching.

I grimace at the paper. I've crumpled it, cried on it- only the first night, and it has a few rips on the edges from me trying to rip it, but failing.

"Carl!" My dad calls out. "Cafeteria, now."

I grumbled and place the paper back into my pocket and slam the book shut.

For later.


*Rick's P.O.V.*

"He really does miss her." Daryl comments, leaning against the ledge in the watch tower.

"I know." I grumble back. All of Carl's hostility has made me angrier at the world than before.

"We could go searchin', just for an hour," I look over at the man and roll my eyes.

"No." I strictly say.

"Rick, just think it over. If there's one thing in this world the boy wants most, it's his friend back. I do admit, I miss seeing them together laughin' and jokin' around." I thinly listen to what Daryl says, watching as Walkers bite at the fence.

"I know you want your son happy. We could go without tellin' him. Try and find her ourselves." I sigh and shake my head once more. "Just think 'bout it." He pats me on the back, leaving me to my thoughts.

I already know my answer, no.



so it's been a while since I updated and there's a very good reason dah-ling

I've started school :(





I'll tell you all the story when it comes ;)

It'll prob just be like



I love you


*takes picture and leaves* BUT ITLL STILL BE SO AMAZING

sorry for long authors notes I like to click return a lot

Don't be a zombie.


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