•Chapter Thirty-Eight•

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Playlist// I'll Be Good - Jaymes Young

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*Carl's P.O.V.*

Being back with Greyson had never felt so good. The tender touch when her hand would graze mine, or the soft peck of her lips on my cheek never seized to amaze me.

But the distance I was feeling between Grey and I was the worst feeling in the world. We had found a house about two miles into the woods and had camped here for the night. We all had to sleep in the same room, the house being a miserably small size. Grey slept next to me, but she also slept next to the dirty blonde boy, Collin I think. I was able to hold her in my arms until just as I was falling asleep. Greyson squirmed her body away from me, leaving me empty handed. I was too far asleep to fight about it, or even analyze it.

That's what this moment was for. I was the first one up, besides the red headed girl who had kept the last watch. I stared at the ceiling, one hand on my stomach, the other under my head.

I decide to stand up and walk to the tiny bathroom near the area we were sleeping. It had no actual value, there not being plumbing any longer, but there was one thing that I wanted to see once again.

As I walk in the only sight in there is me. A giant mirror covers the wall and reflects an image I never wanted to see.

As I looked into the mirror I discovered things I never even knew. I looked like my mom, a lot. We had matching eyes and mouths. I had my dads hair and jawline. I was the perfect combination of the two.

I wonder what Judith would've looked like, had it not been for the governor. Could we discriminate her as my father's child, or Shane's.

I had known about my mother's affair even when it was going on. I had caught them several times when they both went to 'go to the bathroom'. When my mother announced the baby I was dead set it was Shane's. Then I met Judith and my perception was changed purely by her personality. Babies all look the same anyways.

I cringe at the memory of Judith's death. Well the thought of it anyway. It hurt to know there was yet another piece of my family missing.

I lifted up my dirty shirt and touched around for bruises and cuts. My whole body was filled with them. I sucked in a large pit of breath when I graze over a certain bruise on my rib cage. During the attack I had been thrown to the ground, and kicked in the rib cage repetitively.

My fingers then find themselves reaching at the scar right above my hip, where I had gotten shot in attempt to find Grey. I smile, knowing in the room outside of this bathroom, she was laying there under the covers nice and warm. She was alive, and that's all that mattered.

I take one last glance at my appearance and walk out of the small bathroom. When I get out, I see the red head girl look up from her seated position in front of the low window.

"Care to sleep?" I ask, offering to switch jobs. She softly nods, her eyes already beginning to fall.

She stands up, heading for the area where I was sleeping.

As I walk over to the area she was keeping watch at, she places her hand on my chest, halting me.

"I was here when you weren't." She says, refusing to look me in the eyes. "He was here when you weren't." She motions to Collin who was sound asleep on the ground. "I know things about Greyson that you don't. I know what's happened while you weren't here. Listen to me when I say this, Carl." She finally looks up at me, empathy deep within her emotion. "Don't get attached." And with that the girl had left me standing there to take her place under the blankets.

I glance over at Collin again, processing what she had said.

And that's when I see his arm tightly secured around Greyson.


For the next two hours that I was awake alone, I let my thoughts wander off to what could've happened while I wasn't with her, making me even angrier. Did he feed her lies that I couldn't reveal as they were. Did he force her to do something that I couldn't stop. Did she actually want him to replace me?

The last one killed me the most. To know how I felt toward her could've been the way she felt for Collin infuriates me.

I lock my hands in my hair and tug, all the scenarios now flowing through my head as if my thoughts were pumping blood.

I look up at the low-placed window and see the trees planted a few yards from the window. I stare at the bark, forcing my thoughts to release into oblivion.


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"I was here when you weren't." Olive whispers to Carl who had gotten up about twenty minutes ago. I was awake for about an hour but didn't want to acknowledge anyone of my presence. So I kept my eyes closed, day dreaming of the possibilities out of the apocalypse.

And every single one of them ends up having Carl show up, him somehow showing me affection that I don't deserve.

"He was here when you weren't." What was she saying to him? "I know things about Greyson that you don't." Automatically, my brain flickers to all the times Collin has kissed me, as if I was doing something wrong.

I was doing something wrong, and I knew it. I just didn't want to admit it.

"I know what's happened while you weren't here. Listen to me when I say this, Carl." Her hushed tone was rising my anger even more. She was trying to make sure I didn't hear this, trying to keep me from 'waking up'. "Don't get attached." What was that supposed to mean? Was she trying to turn Carl against me? Using the small relationship between Collin and I to break us apart?

I hear Olive get into the pallet next to me and I instantly freeze. She could never know that I was awake, and that I could hear them.

I hear Carl sigh and walk over to where Olive previously was. I soften my build, realizing what Carl had just heard. She knew stuff about me? She couldn't have known about Collin and I kissing. We were too secretive about it. Too protective over information that didn't matter at the time.

I open my eyes, not to warn people of my consciousness, but to catch a glimpse of Carl, who was told something that most likely made no sense to him.

I prop myself onto my elbows, watching as Carl looks around curiously out the window.

I slowly lay myself back down, guilt overflowing my conscious and gut.

I was doing something wrong.



I know I know I've been neglecting this book lately

I've just been soooooo busy

But I might not go to school tomorrow so that'll give me time to update

I really liked how I wrote this chapter for some reason???

Go follow me on vine - carlwub➳

I'm going to start posting edits of THIS fanfic on there so you guys can see my perception of the book and view in a way similar to mine

I've been watching a lot of Teen Wolf I will admit that's why I haven't been updating

I'm sorry forgive me :(

Stiles Stilinski is the love of my life


You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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