•Chapter Nine•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

As we were riding 'home' it was my turn to look out the window hopelessly. You could tell just by lying to the boy, that it lifted his spirits. He sometimes would poke my forearm or lay his hand on my knee for comfort.

I don't know why I lied to him like that. I know how much it meant to him to hear those words, but they weren't even truthful.

The warm summer sun was beginning to set, meaning we had to get home soon. You thought it was scary in the dark before the apocalypse, but now it's even worse. Anytime, anywhere, even the place you thought you were most safe, a walker could come and gnaw on you and you'd be gone in an instant. I guess that's how it is in daylight, but it's more of a nightmare in the dark. Like scary movies are never really in the sunlight, the scariest part is in the dark.

I watch as Maggie she turns directly into the woods, the way we came. Its still weird thinking this is legal. Well, everything is legal in Walker land.

We finally made it to the fenced in place that I can temporarily call 'home'. Rick starts cranking the large lever-like-think near the entrance letting us and few Walkers through the gate. Sasha, who was waiting in the outskirts of the first fence, easily killed them with a decently sized pocket knife.

As soon as I was safe to get out of the car, I did at a quickened pace. I could hear footsteps behind me that I could come to a prediction of them being Carl's. The exact person I want to escape.

Once I was at my cell I knew Carl wasn't far behind me so I tried shutting my cell door as fast as I could, but someones foot caught the door and pushed it open. To my dismay, there was the one and only Carl.

"You okay?" He asked, standing between the bars and the door frame. His arm was pressed again the frame right above his head and was supporting his body weight.

"Okay? No. Not at all." I said, using his words from earlier. He seemed to catch on because a smirk was soon spreading across his face.

"Seriously, you seem like something bothering you." Oh Carl, my words.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just tired." I say slowly, trying to seem as convincing as I can be. He nods, sucking in a large pit of breath after.

"Goodnight Grey." He voiced, giving me a tiny smile.

"Goodnight Carl."


Two days. Two more until I'm long gone, never to see these people again.

I don't know why I didn't just leave the first night. I guess I kind of like socializing with people other than myself. But I can't stay. I'm better on my own, anyway.

I walk outside of my cell, automatically greeted by Carl. I'm guessing he was waiting outside my cell for me to wake up. He was kind of on the down low today. Not too much energy, but not too sappy.

"Morning." He opens his arms, inviting me for a hug. A hug? I don't know whether to feel intrigued or baffled. I'll just chose both.

I just went with it though. I'm guessing he doesn't get many hugs in this prison. Literally, prison.

He laid his chin on the top of my head and twisted his body a bit causing my body to jerk. I laughed a little in the hug, ignoring the awful smell of both of us combined. I mean, it's understandable. Limited water, no soap, we're going to smell.

"Goodmorning to you too." I chuckled, my tiny dimples showing off.

"Come on, I wanna show you something." He says, grabbing my hand and tugging me out of the cell block.

"This again?" I grin, failing to keep up with the pace he's dragging me at. He finally walks out two heavy doors, revealing a basketball court at the back of the prison.

"You guys have basketballs?" I scrounge up my eyebrows.

"No," He speaks. "but no one comes back here."

"I don't know what you're thinking, Mr. Lastname, but I ain't with it." I back away, my hands showing surrender.

He meerly laughs, before looking straight at me again. "Mr.Lastname?" He starts laughing again.

"Well, I didn't know your last name. It's called improvising."

"Grimes." He answers, still in hysterics. "Carl Grimes."

"Well, Mr.Grimes, why did you take me out here?" I question, walking in a circle around him.

"It's your turn, tell me your life story."

"Excuse me?" I stop dead in my tracks.

"I've told you more than you possibly could've ever wanted to know about me, It's my turn to learn who the real girl I picked up while she was eating cheerios is." He sits right where he was standing, patting the spot in front of him for me to sit on. I reluctantly give in. I'm leaving in two days, the least he can know is the story of the real Greyson Mellark.

"Where should I, uhm, start?" I ask, suddenly feeling awkward. My hands reach for my hair, by instint starting to curl it on my finger.

"Anywhere." He breaths. I stare straight into the boys eyes, not feeling awkward anymore. His blue eyes give me comfort in ways I couldn't explain if I tried. It's like drinking when getting over someone. It doesn't heal you, just makes you feel numb to the feeling you previously felt.

"Loser, I was a loser in school." I sneer. "I only had one friend my entire life, Iris, who I had to watch die when this all started." I motioned towards the scenery. "Always spent my time reading or running. Running gave me the willpower to go to school the next day. My own little safe haven. That's the only reason I've survived this long." I look out to the dirt road, remembering sneaking into my schools track when no one was there, just to run. "Never held a gun before this, but I did know how to use a katana for self defence purposes. I was never the pretty girl in school, only had two boyfriends my whole life. One was in kindergarden and one in Fifth grade. Nothing ever really serious." I remember those years, giving a boy a crayon would cause a guy to ask you to be his girlfriend.

"My parents died as soon as this all started. Saw them when I walked outside my house. They were at work, trying to get home. Both got bit, both died. My sister, Nora, died protecting me. She made it a week into the apacolypse. When we found a group she made me run while she stalled them. I heard a scream and a gun shot and knew she was gone." I remember it like it was yesterday. Her ear piercing scream that could keep me awake for days. "I went into the city, stole suppies, then camped in a neighborhood near by in hopes of someone I knew coming and rescuing me. No hope, so I traveled and have been on my own, never seeing a soul since. And I've been a castle of glass this whole time." I searched Carl's face for any reaction. Blank. Not like a cold blank, but no opinion on my life kind of blank. "During this all I'm the one who made myself laugh, made myself cry, fed myself, kept myself safe. For what? to live in a life that's supposed to be unlivable." I rocked forward and backward, uncomfortable with sharing everything thats happened.

Suddenly, Carl smiled.

"What?" I asked, feeling offended.

"Grey, you focused on the negative. Now it's time for the positive." Using my own advice there, Grimes.

But for some reason, I did it. I focused on the positive after that. Told him funny stories before and after the world became crumbs. And you know what he did? He listened.



I just got back from my sisters so that's why I haven't been updating

dun dun dun

I worked kind of hard on this chapter bc it's hard to know exactly who Greyson Mellark is

She did have a sister named Nora who she rarely talks about so it was important for her to tell Carl

anyways I hope you guys are enjoying!

Don't be a zombie.


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