•Chapter Twenty-Seven•

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Playlist// Say My Name/ Cry Me A River - The Neighborhood (cover)


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I clung to Daryl's torso like if I would let go I would fall off. It wasn't the meer thought of my death, but of others. The fight happened so fast, and killed so many innocent people.

I'm tired of death, I'm tired of fighting. I want this all to be over with so I can live a normal teenage life.

After the things I've seen, I know that's never going to happen.

So right then and there I was aloud to hold onto Daryl. He was, in fact, the only thing I could hold onto at the moment.

We came to a stopping place, not even being able to find any solid shelter. The best we could do was a campfire and take turns sleeping.

"You sleep first." He said, his voice gravelly.

"No, you sleep first. You need it more than I do." I demand, laying up against a tree opposite from him.

"I said sleep." He commands, standing up. I watch as he travels to a tree only a few trees away from mine and stares off into the woods.

"You knew those people more than I did." I say, stating the fact.

He doesn't answer, just keeps staring at whatever he was focused on.

I silence myself and lay on the ground, near the fire. I can't force him to sleep, but that doesn't mean he won't.


I wake up to the sound of the fire cracking and broad daylight. I clench my teeth, knowing if I was asleep, Daryl wasn't.

I was wrong.

I look to my left and see Daryl against the tree stump I was leaning on when he forced me to sleep. His eyes were shut and his mouth was slightly gaped, letting tiny snores flood over the fire sound.

His snores reminded me of yesterday morning. I woke up to melodic snores, but they were coming from Carl's mouth.

Carl. I had no idea if he was dead or alive. He might've been on that bus, he might've been shot, again. I don't know, but it was inevitable. I would never see Carl again, and I had to face that.

I decide to let Daryl sleep for another hour before I wake him up. The hour felt like forever, it felt lonely.

When I was on my own before time seemed to go by faster than I had wanted. But I also spent most of my time sleeping the pain away.

Now, the moments seem to go by slower than anticipated. I sit, being antagonized by time. It balances it's weight on my shoulders, ticking away one second feeling like one minute, a minute feeling like an hour, and an hour feeling like a month.

I felt like I had been in this apocalypse for a century, but it had only been a year and a half.

Daryl's mouth moves, letting out uncomprehendable words. He starts to breath heavy, moving his head from side to side.

I could barely hear what he said, but it sounded like he was repeating the word 'stop' over and over again.

I decide it's time for him to wake up. If he was having any dream, it wasn't a good one.

I gently shake him, whispering his name.

He wakes up, flinching as if I were about to hit him. He looks at me and swallows a lump in his throat.

"I fell asleep." He states, helping himself up. "Sorry." Even if it was half-heartingly, I took it. He rarely apologizes, even if he doesn't mean it.

"Let's get going."

We were all packed and the fire was already out. We found road a little while away from where we camped and started hiking. If we wanted to survive any longer, we have to find someplace with food, or shelter if were lucky.

"What were you dreaming about?" I ask, refusing to look his way.

"What?" He says, taken back.

"You were dreaming, you kept whispering stop and you acted like whatever it was is bothering you."

He stayed silent, the only sound being the dropping sound when our shoes hit the rocky road.


"Let it go." He growls, refusing to look at me. "It wasn't a dream."

I open my mouth to ask what in the world that meant. Wasn't a dream? He was clearly asleep.

"I was just reliving it." He says, swallowing the lump that formed in his throat.

I understood what that meant. He dreamed of yesterday, the deaths, the fighting. I would've too if I wasn't trying so hard to forget those memories.

I let it be, coming to the solution that Daryl didn't want, or need to talk. Not yet at least.

After maybe two hours, Daryl lightly hits my shoulder, pointing at a direction off this awful road. I follow him, given I had no other choice but to stick with Daryl.

Where he took me was better than I thought. There was a cabin in the middle of a clear area, then being surrounded by trees. It looked a lot like a cabin parents would warn us about pre-apocalypse, warning there was a serial killer in there.

Now-a-days, were all serial killers.




I was going to update on Thanksgiving but my grandma wanted to go Black Friday shopping on thanksgiving YAY



I don't have any Glenn merch so why not

This weekend is mid-season finale for season 5 and I'm :(((




anyways sorry about ze short chapter

You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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