•Chapter Thirty-Two•

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Playlist// Wires - The Neighborhood


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Need a ride?" He asks, his voice rusty. I swallow, remembering Daryl wouldn't let this guy hurt me.

"We're not going to kill you." A girl says, leaning over the boys lap. He looks down at her, snaring at her.

"Olive." He growls, forcing her away from him.

He turns his attention to me, not even attempting to say anything else.

"I'm fine." I say, trying to sound intimidating. It's funny because that's exactly what I'm not. Fine.

"Yes you are." He grins, flashing his teeth, a wink following.

Out from the back seat a woman slaps the guys head.

These people seemed oblivious to the fact that there was world disaster around them. Besides the dried blood covering their clothing, they seemed normal.

Something I haven't seen in a long time.

"Well if you'll excuse me, I have a world to survive in." I try to stay calm in the situation, but half of me wants to yell for Daryl, and hide.

"Look at that, we have something in common." The guy doesn't move, just smirks as if I'm raising his ego.

I smile and turn on my heel to leave the boy. I could tell that wasn't what he wanted when I hear the car door shut behind me.

He grabs my wrist, twirling me around to look at him.

"Don't fucking touch her." I hear Daryl come out from the trees. I look behind me, wanting nothing more than to be rid of this boys grip.

"Don't shoot." I force myself to say. I didn't want this boy with me, but I didn't want him dead either.

The guy doesn't flinch, just grins the same grin I had seen through a window moments ago.

"I was going to say don't go," He looks over at Daryl his eyes flashing a friendly tone. "But I guess that play through was more suitable for this world."

"I'm Collin." He introduces himself to Daryl, Daryl still pointing his crossbow at him.

"Move a muscle, and your dead, Collin." Daryl growls.

Collin goes from smiling to a neutral face, then back to smiling. He kept doing that about two or three times before opening his mouth to speak.

"Did you know smiling takes muscles." He smirks.

"Smart ass." Daryl comments, not moving his crossbow from aiming for Collin.

"Got anymore members that'll be introducing themselves to me as nicely as your brother there." He nods in Daryl's direction.

"Not my brother." I clarify. "And yes." I lie. Lying to Collin felt as bad as when I lied to Carl before I left. My stomach turned, feeling as if someone was punching my insides.

"You don't know where they are, do you?" He asks, completely unphased.

I hear Daryl shuffle as I stare into Collin's eyes. I clench my teeth, frowning at the fact that this guy was smart.

"Listen," he says to me, grabbing my hands to hold. "Join us. You and crossbow. We can survive together. Stay alive." He bribes me by rubbing circles on my hands. I felt like pudding seeping through his fingertips. He bit his lip, seducing me with his words.

"Come on." He whispers so only I could hear.

"We have people to find." Daryl says, coming up to Collin and I.

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