•Chapter Thirty-Five•

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Playlist// E.T. - Katy Perry

Ridin' Solo - Hippie Sabotage (Njomza Remix)


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I've undeniably and incredibly gone insane in the drastic amount of two days.

It's been three days since the attack, and two since we had traveled away from the small gas station to start our never ending journey of train tracks and walkers.

What an adventure.

We were currently in a drained water tower, all separated from each other as much as possible. Things hadn't changed since the first time we were searching. Daryl and Zoe always took lead in trying to find survivors. Olive was quiet, not much talking. And Collin still did the same things, acted the same. Ever since two days ago he's been holding my hand a lot and being really affectionate, and everyone's noticed.

I sometimes earn glares from Olive, my guess being she isn't big on apocalyptical relationships.

This isn't a relationship.

It's not a relationship.

Just two people who happened to survive the end of the world and hold hands and do potentially relationship events but keep it at a standardized no term related policy.

Well, it definitely was something.

I slowly stand up, trying to make the least amount of noise possible. One tiny creak in this thing and everyone hears it.

I reach the door and quietly open it to the exact space I needed to squeeze out.

Once I was finally out, I walked around on the balcony-like area until I was completely opposite of the door.

I relaxed my tensed nerves and breathed in the odd smell of the worlds air.

I couldn't help but compare this moment to when I was in the watch tower with Carl. How he envied the objects surrounding him, which were just daily occurring items.

This moment would be almost exactly identical to that moment, except one factor.

There wasn't a helpless little boy telling me how the wind moved and how free the trees were.

I look to my left, where Carl should be standing, and sigh. There was so much I could've done to keep him in my custody. But instead, he could be in a completely different state and I wouldn't know.

"Need company?" I hear a deep, groggily morning voice to the right of me.

I jump a bit at the scare of someone else's presence, but easily settle at the feel of the wind rush against my skin.

I nod at Collin, not really meaning it. I would've preferred standing here alone, wallowing in my own mistakes.

"What a view." He comments, breathing in the odd smelling air as well.

"Look, I know you're upset. We haven't found anyone yet and it's killing you on the inside." I didn't argue with him, because it was true. The down-turning thought that we haven't even seen a glimpse of someone makes my stomach claw at my insides. Did they know something I didn't and all met somewhere specific?

No, I have Daryl. He would've known if there was something I was missing.

"Who is it that is making you feel this shitty?" He asks, looking at me. Well that's a change. "Carl?" He spits out, putting emphasis on his name.

"What's so amazing about 'Carl'?" He says his name in a disgusted tone, rolling his eyes after.

"You don't know him." I comment, cringing my teeth.

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