•Chapter Fourty-Eight•

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Message Man - Twenty-One Pilots
Never Be Alone - Shawn Mendes


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Goodnight." Carl smiles at me at the very top of the stairs, near my room.

"Goodnight." I repeat, not bothering to be discreet about our 'relationship' around the people crawling up the stairs.

He brings me closer, landing his lips on my forehead. "I love you." He says against my forehead.

I pull away, looking straight into his beautiful blue crystals for eyes. "I love you too." I say before pecking his lips and leaving him to go off to my bedroom.

I enter, seeing a small bed for my sister and I to sleep in. I lay down on the bed, exhausted after this long day.

My sister walks in, sighing as she does so.

I still wasn't used to having my sister back in my life. For over a year I had assumed she was dead. Now she's alive and here with me.

"We need to talk." She sighs once again, sitting on the bed next to me.

"You sound like you're breaking up with me." I giggle, propping myself up on my elbows. My alcohol was wearing off by now, but I still had a little bit in my system making me more giggly than usual.

"Never mind." She coughs, pushing me a bit to the side so she could lay down.

I go to protest but find myself drifting into a deep slumber.


"We're going over to a house full of people our age." Carl says, grabbing my hand as we leave the home.

Home was such a strange word in the world now. We never knew if a place would be permanent.

Carl and I make small talk as making our way to a reasonably smaller house than the one we were staying in. There was a soccer ball set against the garage door and a bicycle leaning against the bricks of the home.

Carl and I walk up the driveway, still hand in hand. Carl playfully swings our arms, probably sensing the nervous vibe I was radiating.

Collin, being stubborn, demanded he stay at home and fend for himself instead of meeting some 'weak' new kids. Carl and I were the only two trudging towards the front door, and I kind of liked it that way.

Carl looks at me once again before knocking on the wooden door with his free hand.

Instantly, the door swings open. The guy not paying attention to the visitors as he laughed in the direction of the hallway.

"Carl! Greyson! Welcome." He cheers. As he smiles at us I notice that he was the same boy to greet us as we entered Alexandria.

"Come on in." He invites as we walk through the door, our hands still clasped together.

He leads us down the hallway he was laughing at and into a room with two other people in it.

"Carl, Greyson, I'm Ron." Ron lands his hand on his own chest, introducing himself. "This is Mikey." He pats the other boys shoulder who had paused his video game to be introduced to us. "And that's Enid." He points to a girl who was sitting against the headboard of a bed with her head stuffed in a comic book.

"Who apparently was never taught manners." Ron rolls his eyes playfully as he gently punches her arm.

"Don't need them now." She finally says, setting down her book.

"Hello." She bitterly says, then turning back to her book.

"So your guys first full day here. What do you want to do?" Ron asks, clasping his hands together. "Video games, playground, even though the youngs are most likely there, soccer, skateboarding, movie, you name it. We also have a pool table but we'll have to be kind of gentle with it, Mikey's dad is a little strict about it."

"It's okay, he won't find out." Mikey shrugs off.

Carl squeezes my hand tighter, neither of us speaking a word.

I look up at him as he looks down at me. We both have a 'what do I do' look planted on our face.

"I-I'm sorry. I guess I come off a little too strong sometimes." Ron chuckles, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "You two don't even have to do anything. We could just hang out. You guys don't even have to talk if you don't want to."

"Come on couple of the year, you look like you've never had this lifestyle before." Enid scoffs earning a glare from Ron.

"We're okay, just getting used to it s'all." Carl confirms before leaning down to my ear.

"I don't like her." He mutters causing me to chuckle. "What do you want to do?" He whispers.

I shrug, then looking at Ron. "Whatever seems fun to you guys." I smile.

"Video games it is."


We all gathered around like a family in our home, cracking jokes and telling stories, just like the previous night only we were together tonight.

"And she," Maggie pointed to Beth. "She hated the tiny chance I had at a relationship. Every guy I brought home she would scare off with some insane lie. Once she even told a guy I really, really liked that we hid dead bodies in our barn. Never heard from him again." Everybody laughs, Glenn shuffling uncomfortably next to Maggie.

"It's okay, I only liked those guys. I love you." She leans her head on his shoulder, relaxing his tense body.

I couldn't help but compare Carl and I to Glenn and Maggie. Their relationship pure, full of attraction and lust for one another. I couldn't think of a better relationship.

Everyone quiets as footsteps march down the stairs. Everyone was in this circle but one person; Rick.

He stiffly walks down, obviously contemplating if he should come down further.

His whole body was now showing at he reached the end of the stairs. The beard. He shaved his beard, and cut his hair. But even as drastic as that change was, the thing everyone was looking at was what he was wearing.

He had a uniform, an officer uniform. It fit him well as, from what Carl told me, he used to be a sheriff.

Rick's eyes searched the supporting room. Everyone was smiling at him, showing they approved.

Rick's eyes stopped wandering when he landed on the person next to me; Carl, who was bouncing a giggly Judith on his leg.

I look over at Carl, waiting to see his reaction of his dad's new outfit.

Carl's neutral expression turned to support as the ends of his mouth curled up. He softly nods his head, still bouncing Judith on his leg, who looked at her dad with a big smile.

I couldn't help but smile myself as Rick joined the group, looking nearly as happy as he was when he was when he found Judith.

Yes, this is home.


what flavor is your coffee cup?

mines a little grapey


So I need your guys opinion on something

Should I make a trailer for this? Like remake a trailer. I actually edit now (very badly) and when I made the first one it was no bueno

yo comment

ily guys bunches <3

You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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