•Chapter Fifty-One•

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Fried Rice - G-Eazy
Breezeblocks - Alt J


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I roll over, being greeted by a smirking Carl. It was early, very early. No one has even woken up yet, but Carl and I had to.

I had gathered all my stuff from my sisters room, crawling my way up to the attic, where Carl sleeps.

My sister knew I wouldn't be sleeping in "our" room after our feud, but she thought I was in one of the empty rooms downstairs.

She doesn't know me now. Now, I take chances.

I waited for Carl to get home, which wasn't very long, and tried my best to explain to him what happened without setting the alarm off, causing him to pounce at my sister.

"So, does this mean we're over?" Carl's voice seemed weak and unsteady, as if holding back tears.

I grab his jawline, forcing him to look at me. "Of course not." I say, staring him straight in the eyes. "It just means we have to come up with a plan, a plan that'll fool her, and everyone."

I smirk at the sleepy looking Carl, confident in our plan. He brushes a small strand of hair out of my eyes, smiling right back at me.

He grabs me by my waist, forcing me to straddle him. He lifts up his upper half, using his stomach muscles to hold himself up. Oh those stomach muscles...

Plan, Greyson, plan.

"Ready to break up?" He asks, his morning voice deepening the intensity of my feelings for him.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He uses his hands that were placed on the small of my back and his core to kiss me. I couldn't help but feel excited to play a show for everyone. It felt exhilarating, adrenaline rushing.

These sort of things bring relationships closer.

I pull away from the kiss, and without another word, I grab my clothes that I brought in here and open the attic door.

The sun hasn't even reached the horizon yet, that's how early it was. I would be more tired if it weren't for the show I was about to play.

I make my way to the empty bedroom down stairs, trying to make as few noises as possible.

"What are you doing?" I hear from behind me causing me to jump.

I slowly turn around, scared to reveal who the voice belonged to.

I see a stern looking Michonne holding a toothbrush and tilting her head curiously.

"Going to my room." I say, smiling innocently after.

"Not your room." She bluntly states. "What's really going on?"

"Nora and I got in a fight, that's all." I shrug.

"Why aren't you in Carl's room?" She smirks, crossing her arms.

I sigh, taking a look around the area.

"Come in, I'll explain."


I felt as if I could trust Michonne. I knew she wouldn't want Carl and I to break up, so it's better to tell her instead having her trying to ruin the plan unintentionally.

"Why are you awake?" I ask after finishing our discussion about Carl and I's plan.

"I take too long brushing my teeth." She admits. "I always hold the bathroom up, so I decided to do it early."

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