•Chapter Fifty-Seven•

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Crybaby - Melanie Martinez
Don't Wanna Be Your Girl - Wet


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

Endless. The trees surrounding me as I ran felt endless. The tears streaming out of my eyes felt endless. The feeling of betrayal felt endless.

My body could no longer run, for my legs had become too weak from this sick, sick feeling that was drifting me away from reality. I dropped to the forest floor, crunching a few leaves on my fall. I clench my fist, well tried at least. My body was too weak to fully grasp the ground beneath me.

My voice goes to scream but nothing but air comes out, sounding more like a wheeze. Tears flow down my cheeks as if they were appearing out of no where.

I drowsily pick myself up, attempting to wipe the liquid from blurring my vision, but to my dismay, more tears were created.

I walk back in what I think is the direction of Alexandria, not even bothering to watch for walkers. Honestly, what's the point in living in a world like this? It's complete hell. And now that the only thing that had made me happy was now finding new interests, there's no point.

But I persevere, because I'd much rather go by bullet rather than teeth.


-Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons-

*Carl's P.O.V.*

The blank color of the ceiling seemed to have be staring right back at me with the same disgusted look I wish I could give myself. I set a record in the record player to drown out the sound of my own breathing, but the disk ended up being broken or something to where it only played one line from a really old song that I'm sure not even my grandma would've known.

"Darling if I could," It repeated for what felt like the millionth time. "Darling if I could."

Those words seemed to taunt me. As if the man was saying "If I could I would take it all back" but being cut off by his own guilt.

"Darling if I could,"

It has been nearly fourteen hours after she had found me in that forest, sharing an intimate moment with a woman who wasn't her. Fourteen hours of guilt, crying, punching, screaming, pain, and depression. My body felt weary, but at the same time my body felt like punching a skyscraper down with my bare fists.

"Darling if I could,"

I lazily swing my feet off of my bed, pausing to take a deep breath before I stand up. Without any emotion, or any thought, I tread over to the record player, which was placed near the small window in this attic of mine, and reach my hands in my pocket as I look out the thin glass.

Without a second thought, I gently grab the stylus and lift it, grabbing the record from under neath it. In one swift movement, I throw it against the window in front of me, shattering the record to tiny pieces, leaving a crack on the glass of the window.

I place my hands back into my pocket and march back to my bed, facing the oddly emotioned ceiling.

"Darling if I could," I mimicked. "I would take it all back."



I'm gonna be writing more tonight so maybe I'll double upload

don't hold your breath tbh

okay so yesterday, the 26th of May, was my boyfriend's 16th birthday, and also his surgery for his knee so that really sucked but he is soooo cute while hes on meds. As soon as he saw he me said "heeeeyy babbeeeeee" and when the nurse came in he started singing Bad Boys and boy boy boy he sure is cute. Also in his hospital gown he was like "I'm dressed and ready for prom." and then he looked at me and winked really big and goodness gracious I sure do love him.

I think I told you guys about him like on month 4. Well now its been 7 and a half months and I can't believe I put up with that dork. But I love him so I guess its worth it

I wanted to write such a short chapter not only to emphasis the fact that they're upset, but the different ways they're upset. Greyson is going for more of a emotional breakdown kind of approach, while Carl is more violent and aggressive. Hopefully I'll write more tonight but I had to look after my boyfriend all yesterday, staying up until 1 and waking up at 5:30 and staying up while everyone else napped and I am a tired Melanie

You're beautiful

don't be a zombie.


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