•Chapter Twenty-Eight•

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Playlist// The End Of All Things - Panic! at The Disco
All I Know - The Weeknd

*Glenn's P.O.V.*

Gone. All gone, just like that. In a blink of an eye everything was taken from us. I need to find Maggie. I need to find the others. We can fix this. We will fix this.

"Maggie!" I yell. "Beth! Daryl! Rick!" No answers. Just the crackling sound of fire and the Walkers as they chomp on dead bodies.

I decide to savage what's left from the building so all our hard work doesn't go to waste.

When I make it to the door there was fire all up the building. Going in there would be a death sentence.

I see a watch tower completely untouched by the chaos that went on just 30 minutes ago. It looked as if nothing had happened. As if this place we called home wasn't just torn apart at the seams.

I make it to the top of the watch tower, taking my time as I do. I wasn't ready to leave this place.

All I find at the top is a body suit and a guarder. I'll take it, though. All I have for weapons is that guarder and an axe.

Just as I'm about to turn around and climb back down the stairs, something catches my attention. The walkers were all surrounding a fenced in area, clawing at it and forcing their arms in.

The tiny hope I had that someone else was still alive struck in me. I leaped down the steps, eager to see someone I knew.

When I made it down there I bolted towards the cage, trying to get a vantage point to see whoever was in there. I crawled onto a crate, jumping to see the person inside the cage.

I was disappointed to say the least when I saw who was in there. I didn't recognize their face, meaning they were on the other side of the fence. She had a ponytail and big eyes. She was sitting down, staring at the walkers as they desperately tried to get into the cage.

"Hey!" I call, trying to get her attention. A survivor is a survivor. Whether she was going to shoot me right here, betray me later, or be a loyal compute, she was all I had left.

"Hey!" I yell again. I know she can hear me, the walkers aren't that loud.


"Go away." She interrupts, sniffling afterward.

"Go through the door! There's another door on the other side!" I jump once more. She was still staring at the walkers, taunting them.

"I said go away." She growls, pulling her knees up to her body.

"Listen, you come out the easy way, or I'll have to get you out on my own." I say, crouching on the crate, estimating the amount of walkers.

"Good luck." Is all she says, leaving me to fend for myself. I roll my eyes at her stubbornness and jump off of the crate, clutching my guarder in one hand, my axe is the other.

There was only about five walkers gnawing for her, the others losing interest quick I'm guessing. She sure was stubborn.

I charge for them with full force, using my guarder to knock them down. I stab at their skulls when they hit the ground, stepping on the previous ones I killed while doing so.

I look at the lock on the fence gate, and wack it with my axe.

She looks at me bewildered as the lock drops to the ground. I smirk and hold out my hand to help her stand up.

Instead, tears come pouring out of her eyes as she clutches her legs.

"She was one of you, wasn't she? She was strong too, a fighter. She survived this long. I knew I ran the wrong way... I knew I wouldn't find her." She whimpers. "Was she smart? Did she ever..." She stops talking and looks at me.

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