•Chapter Fourty-Seven•

293 22 11

Kelsey - Metric Station (Acoustic)

Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Checkmate." Carl grins through the hair falling on his eyes, and grabs my king.

"How!" I aggravatingly say, tossing my body onto the back of my chair.

"I'm just better at chess than you." Carl says, a look of victory on his face.

"Asshole." I cuss, playfully rolling my eyes.

He gets up out of his chair, coming to my side. He pecks my cheek, but when I don't respond he begins to place tiny kisses all over my face.

"Carl!" I whine.

He finished with one final peck to my forehead, leaving the feeling of his lips decorating my skin.

He walks towards the living room where Judith and a few others sat. I take a look around at the people. Sasha, Bob, Maggie, and Beth were all in a deep conversation. Glenn, Tyrese, and Carol were having a friendly debate on the best tv show pre-apocalypse. Daryl and Nora were talking about me and how I acted in certain situations. And then there was Collin, leaning against a wall, sipping on his bottle of alcohol that he convinced the adults to let him have.

I hadn't even noticed Collin since the fight him and Carl had. I hadn't forgave him.

As he had enough courage to strut over to me, I tried to find more than one reason to walk away from him, but I couldn't find one.

"Hey, Greyson." He smiles, tenderizing my angry heart.

"Hey." I mumble, looking down at the floor.

"You can look at me, you know." He comments, bending down so now he was in my vision as he brought me back up to look at him.

I only stare at him, using every bone in my body to try and be mad at him.

"Want a sip?" He motions towards his drink. I take a long, solid look at it before shaking my head.

Not that I wouldn't, but I didn't want to. Alcohol was often the sad man's drink. And I, I was anything but sad.

"Suit yourself." He says, taking another swig of it. "More for me."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you're kind of being a party pooper." Collin chuckles, slurping at his drink once again.

"Offense taken." I grumble. "I'm fun."

"Prove it." He says, holding out his drink for me to take. I stare at him for a moment, my eyebrows furrowed in anger and wonder.

"Why don't you prove to me that you're not an asshole." I say as snatching the bottle from him.

I slowly tilt my head back, the sting sliding down my throat like acid. As I bring the bottle down to finish my drink, Collin puts his finger on it, forcing it to stay in its previous location.

I was finally free to let the bottle down, now have drank three times more as when I wanted to previously put it down.

"Now, how do you feel." He smirks, leaning against the counter.

"Not phased at all."


*Carl's P.O.V.*

"Oh boy, do I miss cable." Rosita says, sitting down in between Abraham and Eugene.

"Most shows were shitty reality shows anyways." Michonne chuckles.

I lean forward for the millionth time tonight and stare for a few seconds at Greyson who was communicating with Collin.

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