•Chapter Sixty•

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Make You Feel - Alina Baraz
The Morning - The Weeknd

*Carl's P.O.V.*

I wake up, alone. Surprisingly, I wasn't surprised that Greyson wasn't in my arms. I inspect the room I'm in, making sure that the whole ordeal with Grey wasn't just a dream. Thankfully, I was in her room still, not the attic.

I swing my feet off the bed and feel a smirk tugging at the corners of my mouth. Much like a kid on Christmas, I had gotten what I had been wishing for for what seems like forever. It felt good, it made me happy. But still one thought keeps sliding into my mind.

What happens next?

What would I have done if I woke up and Greyson was in my arms? What would I do if Greyson walked through that door right now? Where do we go from here?

I place my hands on my thighs and use them to help me stand up.

Now to kill my mind with thoughts of Grey while I try to do something productive for the place I call 'home'.


*Nora's P.O.V.*

I draw a tiny tick in the box for all of the Colt Pythons and smile. All of the guns are accounted for.

This was my job to help the community, I'd count all the guns, check them out to people, write down who took what where, then count them again.

"All there!" Ellie chirps, walking around the corner with her clipboard and pen in hand.

Ellie has been my best friend since coming to Alexandria, her sense of humor never seems to fail, her laugh is absolutely contagious, and she's stunning. The whole package.

"How are you always so happy?" I laugh, holding the clipboard so I was pressing it on my stomach to keep it in my grasp.

She only shrugs, smiling happily after. She makes her way over to me, reaching out for my clipboard. I quickly oblige, handing it to her to put on the metal shelf.

"Your hair looks super cute today!" She beams, admiring my pigtail braids.

"Really?" I blush, grabbing a braid and playing with it. "I didn't have much time, I woke up late."

"Doesn't seem like it." She says, walking over to one of the chairs, patting the one next to her, gesturing me to join her.

As I sit, I'm greeted with the same calming voice that has been giving me advice for the past three weeks. "Anything new with Greyson?" She questions, leaning back.

"No, she won't even look at me." I sigh, placing my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands.

"Hey," She says in a calming tone. "It'll be alright, I promise." She rubs my back sweetly, releasing me of worry.

"I just want her to be safe, why can't she see that?" I whimper.

"She's a kid, she's in love. It's natural Nora."

"I know," I admit. I look up at Ellie, seeing her eyes sparkling like diamonds. Our eyes refuse to unlock from each other's, causing heat to rise to my cheeks.

I quickly look away, praying Ellie didn't see my cheeks turn a bright pink color. I swallow, trying to calm the emotion that caused me to blush.

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