•Chapter Sixty-Two•

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Cancer - Twenty One Pilots Cover
Go Fuck Yourself - Two Feet


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

The brisk scent of morning dew filled my senses as I sucked in a huge pit of air. The air was fresh for once, the temperature was just right.

I walk over a branch that had fallen off of a nearby tree, crunching leaves under my shoes as doing so. I look up again, admiring the beauty of the forest.

Quietly, a branch nearby breaks, initiating my survival instinct. I whip around, my gun aiming at the area in front of me. My finger automatically hovers over the trigger, ready to shoot. In the distance I see a girl around my age with her head bowed. Blood covered her half torn off shirt and rugged jeans. Her body seemed limp but still intact, as if she wasn't eaten alive, but only bit before she died.

I peer through the stethoscope on my gun and get a clearer look at her appearance. She was blonde, blood decorating her hair, her skin was rotten, but it looked fresher than most, as if she died recently.

Her head slowly panels up, showing her facial features, along with a huge bite on her neck. Her eyes seemed to dig holes into my soul, her face looked familiar, as if I knew her before she died.

I pull back my trigger, jerking my head back an immense amount. I feel the ground beneath me change, the scenery around me changing too.

"Take another one!" She giggles, posing through the hole of my stethoscope. Except now, it wasn't a gun anymore, but a camera. My finger lands on the trigger again, snapping another picture of the girl in front of me.

"Okay okay, let me see." She says, causing me to remove the camera from my eye field.

I investigate the scene around me, not believing my eyes. I was now in a field of flowers, each different from the next. The sky surrounding me was a bright pink with orange radiating, a sky like I've never seen before.

"This one is cute!" The girl beams, scrolling through the pictures on my small, unprofessional camera. "Do you think he'll like it?" She whimpers, looking over the picture again.

"Who?" I ask.

"Earth to Greyson!" She giggles. "Cody! My crush." The blonde girl tilts her head at me, her blue sky like eyes piercing my heart.

Those eyes, they aren't just any. They're my best friend's. No one's eyes captivated me in such a non sexual way. Her eyes knew tales, her eyes could understand what I want to say before I say it, her eyes knew who I was, and you could tell it by the way she looked at me.

She was Iris.

"Uh," I mumbled. "Yeah, h-he'll love them." I say half-consciously as analyzing my surroundings.

"Yearbook isn't a joke, Greyson." She rolls her eyes. "I need to look good or else Cody won't notice me."

"Uh huh." I say, picking up a flower from the ground beneath me, investigating it.

"You've been absent minded since you got in that fight with Carl, are you okay?" She says, landing a hand on my shoulder.

I whip my head to her, the flower that was previously in my hand was now finding its way to the ground. "Carl?" I whimper, inching towards her.

"Carl Grimes? The boy you met in the apocalypse." She brushes off as if what she was saying didn't just combine two worlds that could never combine.

"How do yo-"

"I'm dead, Greyson. A memory. All that's happening, is what you wish to happen. You miss me, your brain's aware." Iris shakes her head knowingly, gifting a warm smile after. "Dreaming, sure is a mystery, ain't it?" She ponders turning around and taking a step away from me. "One minute you could be doing one thing," She says, taking another step with a deep inhale of the fresh evening air. "The next," She turns her head to look at me. "It's gone." And with that, my best friend was no longer in front of me. I could no longer picture what she looked like, her features seemed like mush.

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