•Chapter Fifty-Five•

179 11 1

Holy Water - Laurel
Dynasty - MIIA


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Ron!" I shriek as he hip bumps me into Mikey, who hip bumps me straight back to Ron.

"I don't like this game." I whine, straightening out both of my arms to push my friends away.

Mikey chuckles as we turn another corner, bringing us down another road. As soon as we turn, Ron darts out his arm and brings us back a couple steps.

"Ron, why'd you do that?" I whisper, survival instinct automatically kicking in.

He shushes me as peaking around the corner of the nearest house. He then turns back around and looks directly at me. "Carl, a-and Enid." He says warningly.

I quickly join him behind the house, pushing him back so that I could look around the corner. As I do, my eyes fall upon Enid as she scoots closer to Carl, as he draws on the concrete with a rock.

"What is it?" I hear her say.

"A bird!" He exclaims, looking at her as if she just offended his drawing. They both joyous in a small conjoined laughter. I feel the pit of my stomach ravel up like a worm when attempting to move. Jealousy.

"Come on." Ron says, tugging at the hem of my shirt.

I didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave Carl and Enid to do God knows what. Who knew that even when the world was going to hell around us, jealousy would still overrule any sense of fear, security, doubt, or happiness you might feel.

Reluctantly, I followed Ron and Mikey away from the scene playing out on the sad curb of a broken driveway. Maybe sad and broken aren't the correct adjectives to describe a curb or a driveway, but they sure do fit me right about now.

Snap out of it, Greyson. See what jealousy does to you? It puts a form of doubt in you, doubt in a sense of doubting yourself. You become emotionless to others feelings and begin to dwell on your own. Even in small situations, jealousy finds a way to persevere.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

The feeling of her lips grazing mine in a gentle caress. Our noses touching ever so lightly. Eyes not breaking contact. Swapping breaths as we let the intensity play out. Slowly. Slowly. Slowly her mouth inches closer to mine, the heat expanding. Her tongue and mine find a way to sliver into one another's mouths as our eyes shut closed in a quick but gentle matter. This is it. My heart beat fastens as the taste of raspberry wine leaves her taste buds and enters mine. Slowly. Gently. My body and hers begin to move downward. Her back is now touching the bed, and I want to be touching her. Her back arches ever so lightly, naturally. Her hand cups my cheek in a calming but seductive manner. My hand trails her side, curving with each of her curves. Her beautiful curves. Her hand inches its way slowly to the back of my head, grabbing at my hair, tugging at my hair. Somehow, somehow her hand tugged at my hair but also pressed my head into hers even more, causing our lips to deepen the kiss. Her other hand trailed its way up the skin under my shirt, then down, then back up. It created friction in a relaxing and sexual way. Chills flew down my spine due to exposed skin. I had to fight the urge to speed the moment up. I wanted to stay in this moment with her forever. I wanted to keep this moment.

Then, all at once, it went black.


I woke up with a rush of adrenaline pumping through me. My brain had already created a scenario where I bolted to Grey's room, bursting open the door and recreating my dream, with an ending.

My feet wouldn't move. My body knew where I was supposed to be, and that wasn't in Greyson's room. No matter how much I wanted that to be the case.

I laid back down on my bed with a thud and escaped the reality I have to face every day to daydream of the dream that had figured it's way into my thoughts last night.

Okay Carl, slow.

The next few days went by quicker than anticipated. No Greyson, an abundance of Enid. It seemed more like I was dating Enid rather than Greyson.

It was taking a toll on me. Not seeing Greyson, constantly being by someone who I couldn't care if she was in the fence as a human, or one of the dead outside the fence.

That may sound awful, absolutely morbid, but what in this world isn't completely fucked up these days.

It didn't seem to change Greyson. She was still lively as ever, still strong. Maybe she's just tougher than me.

Or maybe she hadn't cared. Her mind doesn't think about me when it can, her dreams aren't filled with scenarios that could happen if we weren't forced to be apart, she doesn't care.

I groan as turning to my side, staring at the wall. That stung a lot more than I had thought it would. Greyson is the only source of happiness I have in this world now-a-days. Without her, my world would be incomplete.

Maybe Greyson doesn't think about me like I think about her.


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I stare blankly at the door. Hoping somehow, someway, Carl will walk through it once more, landing his hands on my hips, and his lips on mine.

If only my sister had the same thought process as Rick. The true way to get through this apocalypse, is to get through it together.

Never would I have thought that when I was finally dating Carl, I wouldn't be able to talk to him, to touch him, to even look at him without getting attacked.

Suddenly, the door creaks open, my body jumps up, my pulse increases, and my eyes meet another pair of eyes.



Okay you may leave comments expressing how much I absolutely suck

Okay so I have a good explanation this time for not updating in over 4 months.

October 12th, 2015, I started dating the best guy on the Earth. He treats me like an absolute princess and envisions me as the only girl in the world. Guys honestly, I've never been happier I am completely in love with him

Blah blah 4 months in love ha yeah I used to think that too but don't you worry my children you will see how quickly love develops

He knows of my love for Chandler and the walking dead *cough posters in my room cough* and supports it af. We even watched a bunch of the 1st season together because he wanted to watch a bit of something that makes me happy

Hey I love him ha

Oh yeah his name is Zane. And I'm melanie. Yo Melanie and Zane cute huh? I hope oi

You guys are so lucky I updated tonight because like last night I stayed up to watch the walking dead :///////// sad sad sad bye because yesterday was Valentine's Day so I was with Zane and my dad came in and spoiled it for me and I started crying to Zane and heh not so good eh

Anywho I am a tired woman so enjoy the update, I love you all so so much and I will start thinking about updating more so that I can finish this book and you guys don't have to wait 17 million years to see what happens next.

You're beautiful
Don't be a zombie.


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