•Chapter Fifty-Nine•

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Dynasty - MIIA


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Greyson!" I hear called out into a black abyss. I can see anything, I can't feel, I can't think.

"Greyson!" The voice echoes, creating a scenery around me that I knew too well.

"Come on, I need you to be strong right now." My sister's words snap me out of my blank trance. I look around, seeing the house I grew up in. Books and papers were scattered and the book case my dad had gotten three years ago at a garage sale was tipped over. It looked like a hurricane went through this place, felt like it too.

"Come on!" She shouts once more, tugging at my arm. I look up at her, almost with child-like innocence, and begin to realize how urgent the situation was.

I instantly follow my sister as she turns around and jolts up the stairs. I look to my right before climbing them and see the blue curtain my mom had bought blowing against the window as if it were open. I slowly creep towards the window, reaching out for the curtain to reveal what was happening outside. Slowly, as time began to race, slowly I made it closer and closer to the curtain.

My hand reaches for it, slightly opening it to see the window wasn't open, but instead broken. Around the rim of the glass there was blood indicating someone had been cut or something on the exposed glass.

I look up from the glass to be greeted by my neighbor from a few houses down who wasn't as chipper as she had previously been.

"Oh good, Ms.Higgins, have you seen my parents?" I slowly analyze her body, seeing as it looked paler than usual.

My eyes guide me to the bite on her left arm. It looked as if something just took a chunk out of her forearm.

"Ms.Higgins, are you alright? Who hurt you?" Her head tilted, as if she were listening, but her eyes told a different story. Her mind seemed vacant, she showed no sign of understanding.

Soon, her mouth opened, revealing a colossal amount of blood in her mouth. Instantly, I backed away from the window, realizing that whoever that was, wasn't Ms.Higgins anymore.

I look up to see my sister running down the stairs, skipping a few steps on her way down.

"Here." She says, tossing a bag at me. "We need to g-"

"What's happening, Nora?" I question remembering the creature that took over my neighbors body.

"Take the machete." Nora commands, handing me the tiny sword with its leather holster. "But if it talks, don't kill it unless it tries to kill you." She says, stampeding over to the front door. "And remember, skull only."

I shake my head, trying to comprehend what my sister was saying. Kill? I can't kill anyone.

"Okay, as soon as we exit," Nora says before taking a swig of her water. "You stay with me, do not stop for anything, and I mean anything. We run straight for the car, if anything touches you, kill it. Don't let it bite you." She pours all these rules onto me and before I can oblige she begins to prepare to walk out the front door. "And Greyson," she says, refusing to look at me. "I love you."

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