•Chapter Thirty-Seven•

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Playlist// Medicine - Daughter


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"She's out." Daryl says, trying to start the car one last time.

"Gas station." Zoe says, pointing ahead at the sign that said '45 MPH'. "We practically lived in the gas station, I remember that sign."

"Let's go set up for the night. Might as well." Daryl says, taking the keys out of the ignition and exiting the car.

I look up at the stars, admiring their beauty, their complexity. They remind me of Carl, so simple and pure, but breathtaking in the same sense.

Once we were inside the gas station, once again, the Days' renaissance the place, touching the things they left behind.

"Tomorrow morning we keep going the way we came from. If we can't find anyone after we get back to the area of the prison then we go the direction we didn't go the first time." Daryl says to me, nodding after. I slowly nod, realizing there was many ways we didn't check, couldn't check. I may never seen anyone but Daryl, Olive, Zoe, and Collin.

I was okay with that.

Something in my gut punched my insides, making me clutch my stomach.

I guess I can't fool myself.

I hear movement from the back room, and by instinct, go and check it out.

When I make it to the back room, I aim my gun at the air around me, ready to shoot.

When I surrender my gun, something walks out from behind the open door and tackles me to the floor. I squeal, trying to hit the Walker in the head.

A bullet goes straight through the walker's skull from the doorway. I look over and see Collin, a look of detest on his features.

"You okay?" He asks, his voice deep and soothing.

"Yeah, thanks." I say, standing up and wiping myself off. He nods, sending me a small smile.

As he turns to walk away, I grab his arm and bring him back in, his body piecing to mine like a puzzle. We instantly kiss, without even thinking about it.

I think I finally understood the addiction to bodily harming items such as alcohol, smoking, drugs, ect. You thought it would numb the emotion you were feeling. But, in fact, it created even more thoughts containing what was bothering you.

I was attending to my addiction at the moment. With Collin's lips on mine I assumed my problems with losing Carl would disappear, but in place of that I have a habit I can't quit and a head full of thoughts that condone me.

I pull away from Collin and smirk up at him, my hand on his chest.

"Thank you." I whisper, before pecking his cheek once more and leaving him in that back room.

When I come out, I see Zoe and Daryl pushing on one of the shelves as Olive looks out the window nervously. I hurry over to help them, feeling the pressure of limited supplies on the shelves.

Once it was securely in front of the door, Daryl turns to me, a look of anger showing through him.

"Who shot the gun?" Daryl asked as Zoe and Olive started securing the place more.

"I did." Collin said from the doorway of the back room. I turn around, meeting eye to eye with him. He has a cold look planted on his face as he walks over to help his sister and mom.

"Why?" Daryl asks, clenching his teeth.

"A walker fell on me," I explain. "It was going to kill me." Daryl's expression automatically softens as he looks at Collin.

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