•Chapter Fifty-Four•

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Trees - Twenty-One Pilots


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Sonny," My sister lightly shakes me who is, supposedly, asleep.

"Greyson, wake up." She whispers. I stay put, closing my eyes and trying my best to keep my breath even.

She sighs in defeat, grabbing her jacket and exiting the room I had fallen asleep in just to be closer to Carl.

Once I was sure she wasn't coming back up, I bounce up, scurrying to get ready. Today Carl and I couldn't hang out, and we knew that. We took a huge risk by leaving together after the fight, but it worked in both of our favors.

I pranced down the steps, a certain hop in my step. I stop right before the wall ends, hearing something that threw me off guard.

A giggle.

Followed by another.

The giggles were from different people, one distinctly a guy, and one a girl.

My heart raced at the clear memorization of the male giggle.

Of course, it was Carl.

But who was he with?

I take a huge gulp and peer around the corner. To my dismay, it was Carl and Enid, alone.

I quickly move back to where I couldn't view them anymore, and I couldn't be seen.

Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

I tip-toed back up the steps, stealthily going back into my sisters room.

I shut the door with only a small click after it had closed fully. I turn around, my heart beating faster than I can imagine. Why am I so paranoid? I trust Carl, don't I?

But the fact that he was down there with her was harder to bare than I thought. I needed out of this house, but in a way where I wouldn't have to walk past them.

Without a second to doubt it, I race over to the window and attempt to open it. It had taken every muscle in my body, but I finally got it open enough to where I could slide through.

Before pushing my feet through, I stick my head out, and see how tall the house really is.

Lucky for me, there's a tree that was planted just close enough for me to step on one of its branches.

I turn to my right, inspecting the streets for people. To my surprise, there is one person that looked as if they were waiting for me. And truthfully, I was happy to see him.

I smile over at the boy before swinging my feet out of the window, my feet catching on the tree branch successfully.

I slowly, but surely, make my way down the tree, gripping at every branch that was reachable.

As I reach the bottom, the boy walks over to me, his hands settled in his pockets.

"Greyson." He says, smiling after.

"Ron." I return the smile.

"I'm not creepily waiting outside your window, hoping you would see me sometime, I came to see how you're doing?"

"How I'm doing? Why?" Just as it escaped my lips I had realized what I had said. What he had meant.

Ron gives me a confused look, tilting his head slightly to the right.

"Oh yeah, I'm uh, fine I guess." I chuckle awkwardly, running my fingers through my hair.

"Thank fucking God. You two didn't break up."

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