•Chapter Fifty-Six•

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Prey - The Neighborhood
Old Yellow Bricks - Artic Monkeys
Flawless - The Neighborhood


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Hey," He says, his voice rusty and his eyes piercing me with their bright color.

"Hey," I return, looking at him as if he was the wall that I was using as a platform to think.

"Mind if I chat?" He motions to the empty space on the bed next to me.

"Come on in."

He wasn't who I wanted to see, not even near. If only it had been Carl, who's musky voice brought anticipation. If only it had been Carl, who's bright eyes pierced my soul. If only it had been Carl who walked through that door.

Instead, it was Collin. No matter how much I wanted it to be Carl, it wasn't. And I had to face that.

"Listen," He begins to scratch the back of his neck. "I know you're going through some emotionally damaging stuff right now, and I just want you to know that I'm-I'm here for you." He finds anywhere in the room to look besides my face. "I just want to be the friend you deserve."

"Well, that's very sweet of you Collin. I'd really like that." No matter how much I resented him for hurting Carl, he's really trying to help me over this "breakup" of mine. Honestly, it felt like we were never together. Since the day we started dating, we've had to keep clear of each other. This is not at all how I've envisioned being with Carl. Maybe, maybe it'd be easier if we... weren't.

"Yea-ah." Collin says, awkwardly laughing mid-word.

To break the awkward feeling surrounding us, I open my arms, bringing the shy boy into my embrace. It's kind of nice to see this side of Collin. Loving, caring, adoring. God knows I haven't gotten this from Carl in a while.


"Come on Greyson, keep up." Collin bickers as running towards the fence.

"Where are you taking me?" I question, trying my hardest to stay on my feet as he tugs on my wrist.

We come to a stop right before the giant fence, my eyes narrowing at the sight. He then starts putting small metal poles into the wood of the fence, then looked back at me daringly.

"You coming?" He asks as if taunting me.

"That's why I'm here." I reply.

"Ladies first." He steps aside with a small bow, presenting the task at hand.

"Don't mind if I do." I smirk, trying to seem more willing than I actually was.

I place my right foot on the first metal piece and use my left one to kick myself off the ground and latch onto the next hook.

I take my right foot again and swing it up to the next level. This isn't too hard.

As I approach the top I look down and see Collin still on the second pipe.

"Slow poke." I chuckle as swinging my body over the tippy top of the fence.

"Shut up." He grumbles back.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

"Come on." Enid encourages, urging me through a forest outside the fence of Alexandria.

"This could be dangerous, Enid. Maybe we should go back." I warn, thinking of my dad's reaction if he knew I left.

"Oh don't be such a baby, Grimes. We won't be gone for long."

Dark Serenity - Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now