•Chapter Nineteen•

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Playlist// Lurk - The Neighborhood
A Little Death - The Neighborhood

*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I sucked in a deep breath of air as I appeared in a place that felt way to familiar. It was the home I had grown up in. Before the apocalypse.

There was a long hall that my sister and I had always chased each other down. The sweet smell of cookies freshened my brain.

Family portraits decorated the flowered, wallpapered wall. There was a table holding a picture of my sister, Nora, and I. We looked happy, we were hanging onto each other and making silly faces. I smiled at the memory of that moment. Everything seemed, perfect.

I looked down at my clothes, seeing clean, comfortable, sleep clothes. I smiled at the warm feel of home.

Down the long hallway stood a dark figure that was looking down at the ground like Carl had.


It was Carl standing there, admiring the ground. He glanced up at me, tears covering his eyes. One particular tear strolled down Carl's cheek, leaving the perimeter of his face. He stared at me as it fell, making me feel as if that tear was for me.

The tear hit the wood of the floor and automatically the lights go out along with the smell of my moms homemade cookies.

When the power came on just moments later, everything was different. The walls were covered in bloody handprints, along with my clothes turning into the tight leggings and tight shirt I had been wearing post-apocalypse, covered all in blood.

Carl was still standing there, this time he was turned to look away from me. The hallway oddly got smaller and I was now not very far from Carl.

I decided to move towards him. He was the only thing in this world that I wanted to be around.

I slowly landed my hand on his shoulder and nothing happened. He made no movement to acknowledge my existence. Everything felt frozen, like someone had frozen time.

Then, all at once, everything sped up to an unbearable speed. Carl turned around, but he wasn't something that I wanted to see.

I backed up, Carl's mouth dripping with blood. He looked angry, hungry. He paced towards me, getting anxious to be near me.

I peered down at his arm, seeing a bite mark visible. It was drenched in blood, like his mouth, and looked fresh.

In my hand appeared a gun, loaded with plenty of bullets. I looked up at Carl, seeing him come at me. My body shook, and I was now the one crying. I couldn't kill Carl. He saved me when he could've killed me. He made me feel as if I was safe, he gave me a friend.

I accepted the fact that I was going to die. I always dreamed that it would be of natural causes, or a sickness.

Wait, dream.

This was a dream.

While realizing I wasn't actually awake, I forgot I was still backing away from Carl. My body stopped and I was falling onto the table that held the picture of my sister and I. That picture fell, the glass shattering and making the only noise I could hear.

Carl fell on top of me in a messily way. I couldn't even hear his growls. All there was was silence, the worst, and best, thing of all.

"This is a dream, Grey." Carl's voice filled my head. "Dream what you want."

I shut my eyes hard, concentrating on what I wanted. The pain I felt from Carl being on me turned into pleasure. Carl pulled his face from my neck, his mouth no longer dripping with his blood. He smiled at me, his cheeks flushing a deep color of red.

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