•Chapter Twelve•

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A/N: I'm going to try to put songs at the beginning of the chapters for you guys to listen to while reading :)

Playlist// Stay With Me - Sam Smith
IRobot - Jon Bellion
This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco

*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I swallow the huge lump in my throat, and grab my bag from off the floor.

I'm doing it, I'm leaving.

I look at my book, and sigh. I'm leaving it here. I don't need it. I remember the note Sasha had left me in the book, and tear off a piece of that paper.

I couldn't transfer my thoughts and feelings into words, so instead I wrote down the thing that made even my heart ache.

'I'm sorry Carl.'

I lay the tiny ripped note on the bed that these people provided me with. These people, these sweet sweet people. They don't need me.

Without another thought to keep me from leaving, I exit my cell, all of my valuables on my back.

I take a big breath when I'm outside 'my' cell. This place is more homely than I'll ever get again. I don't know exactly what I'm chasing, but I know it's not here.

I stop right outside of Carl's cell, seeing the sleeping boy as his even breaths make his stomach inflate and deflate with air.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Carl." I whisper, trying not to wake anyone, or Carl. "And I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. You're strong Carl, very strong." And with that, I leave, trying to be as quiet as I can.

Goodbye Carl.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

I saw her. My mom. My mom was staring at me, all the beautiful as she was before.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Carl. And I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. You're strong Carl, very strong." Forgive her? Forgive her for what?

"Mom, why are apologizing?" I ask, reaching out to touch her. She backs away, looking at me with sorrow.


She hushes me, turning behind her and walking the other direction, into the trees.

"Mom!" I scream, trying to chase after her, but I find myself changing location, I was now trying to run at her through the fence. I see as her white dress disappears, leaving me with nothing but the stray walkers roaming around the fence.


I wake up, fully aware of my dream. My mom, she was there, in it.

I had never grieved for my mother, never cried. I just stay neutral about the whole situation, and now I regret it.

But I can't cry. I think I used all my tears when this whole thing happened.

So instead, I'll tell Grey.

I hop out of my bed, seeing people already roaming about around the prison, all doing their separate jobs. I bet Grey's not even awake, she usually likes getting her sleep.

I make my way to her cell anyways, it's what I usually do in the mornings. I wake up, and wait for her to.

I sound like a lost puppy dog.

Once I make it to her cell, I notice the body I usually see with their mouth hanging wide open isn't in her cell. Instead, there's a piece of paper captivating the spot she should be in.

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