•Chapter Seven•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

~The Next Morning~

I hadn't talked to Carl the rest of yesterday. I got so intrigued with my book that everything else seemed non-existent. I stayed up far too late for my fancy, everyone was already up and roaming around bickering something about it almost being lunch time.

I got off my bed and rubbed my eyes, wanting to wake up in somewhere safer than here. Somewhere where walkers aren't roaming the earth.

See, you're already here too long Greyson, you're adapting their words.

I look through the bars and see Rick talking to Carol. Carol was nodding her head everytime Rick said something and looked happy with what he was saying.

Three more days now, three more until I leave. Once I do, theres no coming back. These people are nice, but I doubt they'd ever let me back if I left.

I sighed and took one more peek around my cell before quickly trying to change my clothes.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

"Don't get to close." I warned the little ones. Lizzie started inching towards the gate, starring directly at the walker trying to grab her. "Lizzie, you too."

"I can handle it Carl." Lizzie snapped, not taking her eyes from the walker. The walker reaches further and further as Lizzie gets closer and closer.

"Dammit Lizzie I said get away from them." I growled, trying to keep the kids away from the fence as well as demand Lizzie to get away from it.

"Carl, not around the children." Beth said, holding onto Trevor's arm. I shot her a hard glance before looking back at Lizzie.

"Nick." She whispered. "His name is Nick."

"What the hell Lizzie." I said, ignoring Beth's hit in the arm. She named it? What in the world is going up in her brain?

"They had a life too. They were once as scared as we are. If we just tame one to not bite we co-"

"Lizzie stop, they eat people, and only people. Occasionally squirels, but their main prey is people. And Lizzie, believe it or not, you're one of those people." I said angerily. She's going to get us all killed if she doesn't back away from the fence soon.

"Lizzie, could we really make them be nicer?" Sally waddled over to Lizzie, beaming at the thought of changing the world.

Lizzie smiled down at the hopeful girl, nodding as she did.

"Sally get back here now, get away from the fence." I barked the order. Damn these kids.

"Lizzie's okay still, I will be too." The little girl proudfully said, shooting me a glare.

"Sally we need to go in." Beth said, finally trying to help me.

"No! I don't want to! I want to be friends with th-" Sally was cut off by one of the Walkers grabbing her ankle. Sally automatically fell to the floor and started screaming bloody murder. I let go of the other children and hurried to Sally's aid, but it was too late.

Sally's ankle was covered in blood and the Walker still wasn't finished.

"HELP! HELP!" Sally whimpered. I slowly backed away, grabbing Lizzie's arm and taking her with me. Beth quickly tried yanking Sally from the Walker's grip, but backed up when more Walker's tried grabbing Beth by her hair.

She knew. We all knew.

"CARL! BETH! PLEASE! PLEASE!" Sally was gripping to the grass, the walker still getting his daily meal. I looked down at my waist and there was my gun, setting in its holster. I looked behind me where my dad and Carol and a bunch of others were running towards our area. I looked back at Sally who was still crying for help and holding on to the ounce of life she had left in her.

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