•Chapter Fourty-Four•

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Message Man - Twenty-One Pilots

*Greyson's P.O.V.*

Carl's head snaps back to me, looking me up and down, making sure I was alright before he checked on what was really happening.

I jump off the counter, passing Carl as I walked towards the bicker.

Carl catches up, protectively standing in front of me.

I see Collin laying on the ground, glaring up at Sasha. His gun was scattered across the floor on the other side of the station.

"Are you insane!" Rick yells in Collin's direction. "A few days ago this place was surrounded by walkers, you want to bring them back?"

"He already has." Maggie says, staring out the window.

Sure enough, walkers were trampling their way to the station.

"Grab everything you can and get out. We only have around a minute or two until they reach the windows and begin to break them." Daryl commands, grabbing his tiny bag of food.

I follow Carl, grabbing the bags we had brought in, still confused about the whole situation.

As I turn to walk away from the area, Carl grabs my wrist and turns me back around.

"Hey." He says, now holding my hands. "No matter what, you stay with me, okay?" I nod, staring straight into his bright blue eyes. "I can't lose you again. Twice is quite enough for me."

Together, we walk to the group as they piled out of the garage.

"Go go go!" Rick says. Carl and I both indulged in a run, running through the garage door and immediately seeing walkers, everywhere.

"Up here! Come on! I have a truck parked in the woods up the street a mile!" Aaron yells, running straight for the herd of walkers.

We all look at each other but decide to follow him through the herd, killing any that got too close.

Sooner than I assumed, we reached the truck that was covers by a big branch to make it look broken down.

"Rick," Aaron says, motioning to the branch. Rick gets the hint, rushing to Aaron's side to help him lift the branch.

Carl hops onto the bed of the truck, immediately holding his hand out for me.

Even though I could've easily gotten up on the truck by myself, I decided to take his hand and allow him to help me. It was nice to feel like your safety was all that mattered to someone.

When I was up, Carl stares straight into my eyes, his mouth slightly agape and his hands laid on my hips.

I saw Collin glare at us from below as he trudged towards the backseat of the truck. After he was in, he slammed the door, not caring what anyone thought of it.

I turned back to Carl only to see him smiling at me. I was taken aback, but I liked it. Seeing him smile was rare, but beautiful. Just like seeing lightning bugs.

And as I stood here with him, as everyone piled in the car, as the car engine roared to life, as the walkers trailed behind us, all I could hear in my head were three words I never thought I would want to say again.

I love you.


"Stop." I hear Rick say from inside the truck. I pick up my head from Carl's shoulder and get up on my knees to investigate what's happening.

Rick gets out of the now stopped truck, alarming us all.

"Rick?" Sasha asks, getting out of the truck.

"Come on guys." Rick says, wavering us over.

Everyone gets out of the truck, immediately stunned by the view.

Rick stopped us right before Aaron was going to turn on a cliff. We overlooked a large community with tall fences and big houses to match.

"That's Alexandria." Aaron says, sighing happily after.

Carl and I both approach the edge of the cliff at the same time, staring in awe at the view.

Ricks arm wraps around Carl and he peers down at his son, smiling.

"What do you think?" Rick asks, looking straight at Carl.

As I wait for Carl's answer in anticipation, I feel his hand collide with mine. Even after all the months that we've been together, I still get butterflies when he does something as little as breathing my way.

Carl looks out over what could possibly be our new home and smiles, taking a big breath after.

"I like it."



this chapters a little short but cute ja feel

I'm in an updatey move so who knows I might just update again

no promises

But I found my motivation for writing again so woooo

You're beautiful

Don't be a zombie.


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