•Chapter Ten•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

For hours we sat on that concrete basketball court, sharing stories, exchanging laughs, thinking positively. For once, I felt like the doomed world wasn't the main interest in my life. I felt good. I've never shared all these stories with anyone, not even Iris. She never was a very good listener.

I hadn't talked about my sister until today. She was always on my mind, but I never tried saying her name again or talking about it to myself. But with Carl, it felt natural. Like I already knew he was going to listen and understand.

Now I sound like one of those crazy reality TV shows. Cliché.

Carl hasn't left my side all day, as if showing me he wasn't going to judge me for the life I had before. We were currently helping Bob and Hershel, Bob being someone I just met, in the garden. It's not my ideal way to spend the day, but what ever helps these people will make me happy. I don't want to leave cold heartingly.

"Don't pull the tomato's until they're fully red." Hershel said, grabbing one of them from a tiny looking tree. "Like this one." He lifted it higher to reveal it to all three of us, "Perfect." He whispered to no one but himself.

"Grey." The mostly familiar voice said in a voice so quiet so Bob and Hershel couldn't hear him. I yank my head in the direction of the noise, seeing Carl hiding behind a plant that was only a stem. "Do you see me?"

"Hmm, where has that darn Carl gone?" I said a loud, earning looks from Bob and Hershel. I stood up, cupping my hand over my eye to pretend like I was looking for him. "Carl!" I hear Carl snicker like a little kid from behind the plant. "Darn, I think we lost him boys." Bob and Hershel were both still looking at me like I just kissed a cow. "Oh well, he smelled anyways." I giggle, knowing Carl heard me.

Out of no where, a firm hand lands on my shoulder, causing me to jump up with a low squeal. Behind me was the one and only Carl Grimes clutching his stomach in laughter. I playfully hit his arm, acting as if I were mad.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." He says, still trying to stop laughing. "I saw the opportunity."

"Hm." I huff, turning away from him.

"Grey?" He taps my shoulder. I huff again, trying my best not to smile.

"I'm sorry Grey." He pouts, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing as hard as he can. I laugh as he picks me up, but I desperately have to tug at the bottom on my shirt to force it down.

"Carl!" I squirm. "Carl let me go!" He gradually lets my feet take their own step to the ground.

I hear the noise I always hate hearing and look to my right where the fence is. Theres a walker consistantly banging itself against the gate. I sigh, Walkers always ruin everything.

Bob grabs a crowbar that was laying against the side of the shed with previous Walker blood on it. In one swift movement, he stabs through the Walker's skull, ending the moans.

And starting the realization that theres still things out there trying to kill me.


Carl and I took a walk around the prison, talking again about just random things that came to mind. The best TV shows, the worst, the stupid dating games kids came up with, the games of Rock, Paper, Scissors, which we played and I won, and everything that striked interest in a new conversation.

"Aren't they beautiful." Carl says, watching the stars twinkle. I nod, remembering the little times when we would watch for shooting stars. "Look, there." Carl points at the star that was surrounded by bright stars. It didn't stand out much compared to the others. "Thats my favorite." He whispers.

"Mine too." I retaliate. He looks at me, his eyes twinkling in the moon light.

After tonight, one day. Tomorrow is my last day at this safe haven. Tomorrow is my last day to spend with Carl.

I push those thoughts to the back of my head. Enjoy the time with him, enjoy it without worrying yourself sick.

Carl stands up, dusting himself off. He holds out a hand for me to take, which I gladly do.

"Hop on my back." He says, cupping his hands behind him.

"What?" I question, confused.

"Come on, just do it." He says, ready for me to do it. I reluctantly hop up and land on Carl's back, him instantly taking off towards the cell block. Both our giggles were heard loud and clear through out the room, causing sleeping people to groan in annoyance.

When we made it back to my cell, Carl set me down, closing the cell door behind him.

"Can you read to me now?" Carl pleas, sitting down on my bed.

"Read you what?" His eyes dart to the book laying near my bag. The book I've nearly finished. "You won't understand what's happening."

"I'll try to understand." He says, patting the spot next to him on the bed like he had at the basketball court earlier. I give in, knowing the more time I can dedicate to this boy, the more memories he can have to cherish and share with new people that come.

"She was strong. She was so strong. And I, I was oh so weak. I didn't deserve her. But I know I couldn't live without her. Her precense is like a drug to me. I'm addicted and I can't get therapy to help me." I read off, sitting in the same position I was in when Carl read Spiderman to me.


*Rick's P.O.V.*

"The kid is happy for once." Michonne says, leaning over the railing beside me. We watched as Carl carried Greyson on his back all the way into her cell. Their giggles woke many people in the cell block, but I didn't care. Carl was laughing. That was all that mattered.

"I know." I said just above a whisper.

"Are you glad he found her?" She asked when nothing but silence fell upon the cell block again.

"Very. Just wish he was like that with me still." I sigh, remembering when Carl looked up to me, when he would get excited when I got home. Those were the times.

"He will be one day Rick." She responded. "Show him the real Rick Grimes." She patted my back once before leaving me to go trade places with Bob on the night watch. I looked around at all the cells, proud that I've kept my family safe this long.


heyyy guyss

So I've been watching the office all week and it sucks because I just ended season 5 and I can't have netflix (bad internet) so I have to rent them so today I am very bored because I have nothing to do

I just remembered I forgot to watch the fosters yesterday because I was so intrigued in the office

Darn *kicks dirt*

Don't be a zombie.


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