•Chapter Twenty-Four•

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Playlist// Nicotine - Panic! At The Disco
Animals - Maroon 5


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

A stream of water fell down my cheek when I squinted hard trying to prevent that exact thing from happening.

My sister, she was alive. She wasn't shot that night in the woods, she's been living with whoever the Governor was.

Seeing her alive made me want nothing more than to reunite with her. I had thought for so long that my whole family had been gone and killed.

"Look, I've fought him before." Rick says, pleading his case. "We took his people in, they became leaders in our community."

I searched around at their expressions. They looked as dumbfounded as I was. Even Nora.

"Now you put those weapons down, and walk through those gates. Were all just people, trying to survive in this hell of a world." I have to hand it to Rick, he's strong. And good with words. If I were him I'd have no idea how to keep this society safe from a person as intriguing as the Governor.

"We don't even have to see each other. We could live in two completely different cell blocks. We can both survive." He mentions, the governors expression changing from disapproving to consideration. "We're all alive right now," He comments. "We can keep it that way."

The crowd goes completely silent. No one talks, not even on the opposite side of the gate.

I look to my left and see Carl still focused on the perception of his gun. He doesn't shake of fear, he doesn't look worried of the outcome.

I then look at my sister. She's the exact opposite. She trembles through-out with terrifying thoughts. Her gun is hanging by her leg and she looks between Rick, the Governor, and me. She looks as if everything she was told was a complete lie.

I want to yell her name, run for her and touch her to know she's real. But I'm afraid of the people on the other side of the gate. They could do something to me or Nora. I'm guessing that's the reason she hasn't done it either.

The governor slides out his sword like weapon and looks at it with admiration. He stops it so he could see his reflection on the blade, and smiles.

After what felt like a century, he looks at Rick, the same smirk on his nasty face.

"Liar." He says, slashing back his weapon and slicing it straight through Hershel's neck.

Chaos. Complete and utter chaos.

Maggie and Beth both scream for their dad, practically attacking the gate.

Rick pulls out his gun, screaming "No!" At the governor and immediately shooting.

Carl wails out a scream, shooting his huge gun straight at the area the Governor was.

Nora searches around beadily, refusing to even pick up her gun.

And I, I stand put as the whole world around me crumbles down.

"Grey!" Carl yells as he grabs my arm and runs with me to the prison just in time for one of the huge tanks to come crashing down the fences, and any sense of protection I thought I had.

"Grey we need to go!" Carl shouts, tugging at my forearm.

"I just need-" I say, running away from Carl. I knew I should've took him with me or even told him where I was going. But I didn't. Now I can't change that.

"Grey!" Carl screams, shooting at whatever was near him.

"Nora!" I yell, roaming around the chaotic mess of gunfire and rubble. "Nora where are you!" I cry. Instantly I spot her walking through the broken down fence.
She looks around aggressively, still not even touching her gun.

I run for her, adrenaline rushing through me at the thought of seeing my sister again.

Then, something stops me. Someone. A man stands in front of me with nothing but his fists. He takes one look at me and punches me square in the jaw.

I felt dizzy, but I kept fighting. He just chuckled as tackling me to the ground aggressively. I feel my gun slide out from my holder and slide out of my reaching range. I struggle to fight this dude, him being around 200 pounds.

I wiggle my way out of his grasp and hurry for the gun, but he grabs the belt hole on my jeans first. He grabs for my plaid overshirt, ripping off a piece on the end and tossing it towards the area of the gun. I kick his face, giving me enough time to stand up and have the elite power.

I remember my machete I hadn't taken out of its holder. I smile greedily at the man before wiping it out. I look at him on the ground and slash back my weapon, concentrating deeply.

Be as cold as Nora that night.

My weapon come down ending the mans life. It slashes straight through his neck, chopping his head off. I take one last look at him before stabbing the head part I cut off.

I looked around in spite of finding my sister. I looked at the area she was recently at but she was no longer there.

I have to find her.

Killing. Everywhere there was killing. Now not only are we fighting a whole group of strong people, but walkers were chomping away having their own little feast.

I investigate around me before coming to the realization that my sister was no where to be found.

People were dying left and right and no one could stop any of it. The sound was dropping real fast real quickly.

I look to my left and see the bus take off without as much as a second look for people. I scream for them to stop, knowing that was my only chance of leaving with someone.

I fall to my knees and wail out a cry. What if Carl was on that bus? I would never see Carl again.

But then the worst feeling of all hit me.

What if he wasn't?


I was going to write more for this chapter but holy it got long really fast

I probably will be updating again today so



You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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