•Chapter Thirty-One•

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Playlist// Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day

Seven Nation Army - White Stripes


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

The rough breeze rushed against my face as we, once again, were riding away from everything, on Daryl's motorcycle.

Further away from the prison. From Carl.

I brushed off my thoughts and clung even harder onto Daryl's torso. I could practically feel him smirk as I did so.

He was back to him. Back to cocky, badass, sober Daryl. The moment he saw his bike again he turned into the same person I knew him as. But now I actually know him. I know vital facts about Daryl's life, as he does mine.

I feel Daryl slow down after around an hour of trudging down an endless road. I calmly leg go of him as we come to a halt.

"I've got to take a piss." He alerts.

"Charming." I mutter, surpassing him.

"I'll be back. Don't talk to strangers." He laughs, as walking into the empty woods.

I smile just a tad. Besides Carl, Daryl is the only person who can make me smile so easily at one of his awful jokes. Daryl's is more humor filled, Carl's reason is more happiness. I smile when I'm happy, Carl makes me happy.

I hear a faint car sound from the end of the street and immediately search for it. A red convertible speeds down the road, straight for me. Before I can even think of where to hide, the car is already slowing down to talk to me.

I search around, looking for Daryl as the car comes to a stop. I see a movement in the trees and see Daryl's crossbow pointing straight for the vehicles window. He puts his finger up to his mouth in a shushing motion then focuses on the car.

The black tinted window slowly rolls down as an unfamiliar face appears. I back away, reaching for my machete as it lay in its holster.

A boy around my age places his elbow on the opening of the window and slightly positions his head out of the window.

The boy has dull, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a smile that could send someone to heaven with just a peek.

I have to admit, he's not ugly. But the world is no longer about how to pick up guys.

He smiles at me something of woe. I stare at him, ready to attack if I need too.

"Need a ride?"


*Glenn's P.O.V.*

I examine every thing that could be any sign of human activity as I walk down the cemented road. Next to me the girl trudges, looking only at the ground.

"How do you know Greyson?" I ask, not breaking eye contact with the road in front of me.

"We shared the same parents." She smirks a tad. "We're sisters."

I nod, not wanting to force further information.

"She thought I was dead, I know she did. I forced her to run while I stayed back with a pack of bikers. They were going to kill us. At least that's what I thought." She explains. "The guy with the gun moved his gun quickly away from me and shot the dude next to me. I screamed thinking it was going to be me the bullet went through. The guy let me escape, telling me he didn't care if I was alive or dead, he just wanted me away from him. I ran looking for Sonny, but the trees all started looking the same and I was lost. I lost her." She explained, afterwards sighing out relief.

"What's your name?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Nora." She says, sighing after.

"I'm Glenn." I say. If we're going to be surviving together, we might as well know each other's names.

"What was it like there?" She asks, kicking a pebble along the road.

I talk to her, explaining the lifestyle we had lived. It was pretty deluxe for an apocalypse. We had food, shelter, and weapons. We could've survived this whole apocalypse until we all died off. But then the governor came...

I could practically see the heat waves as we walked. The sun was beating down on us as if we were getting scolded.

I look at Nora as she brushes a piece of hair behind her ear. I feel bad for her. She found out her sister was alive right when the place she was going to reunite with her went to hell.

I stop and force Nora to stop as well. She looks at me, confused.

I grab her hands and look her straight in the eyes.

"We will find her. She is so strong. We will find her, soon." I assure, strictly telling her.

She breaks. She wraps her arms around me in the middle of the street and starts crying into my shoulder.

We will find Greyson.

We will find Maggie.

We will become whole again.


Hey guyssss

Sorry it's a really short chapter but the next chapter will be super long plus I didn't have much time to update

Ugh I have finals this week kms

But I will update soon hopefully

You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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