•Chapter Twenty•

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Playlist// Float - The Neighborhood

*Carl's P.O.V.*

I couldn't really explain what happened after Grey kissed me. All I remember is my dad calling Grey's name and telling her Michonne wanted her. Now here I am, sitting on Grey's bed, staring at a wall as it stares back.

I didn't think of the kiss as anything. Probably just a friendly gesture of showing compassion that she missed me.

But why can't she give me an explanation as to why she left. We had a great day, she and I were both having fun. Then she just leaves without as much as a goodbye.

She's back now, and that's all that matters.

Meanwhile, I have someone to thank.


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I'm overthinking this, but the anticipation of what Michonne might want me for is killing me. I haven't seen her since I left. Maybe she's mad I left?

I slowly raise my fist and gently knock on the door of the office Michonne is usually in. Instantly I'm greeted by... Michonne's foot? She kicked open the door, signifying it was okay to come in.

"Sorry, preparing for a run in a few minutes for supplies. The sooner we go the better." She apologizes for not making any eye contact.

"Okay," she says, laying out one last bag. "Ready. Now," she looks at me and leans against the desk. Her look is cold and blank. Michonne always was good at hiding emotion. "I know why you left." She says. That's impossible, she couldn't know why.

"The end of A Walk To Remember was way too good. Doesn't mean you can run away from us." She chuckles at her own joke and sits down on top of the desk.

I laugh with her, feeling relieved she couldn't read my mind. Oh thank goodness she can't read my mind. There's things up there right now I can't even explain. Most of them being about Carl. Actually, all of them being about Carl. He's basically all I've thought about since last night, no for over a week now.

"Why did you leave?" She stops, asking the one thing I had hoped she wouldn't.

I stay silent, looking around the room, studying any and every object I see.

"What's that?" I ask, pointing to a tiny figurine that held a tiny toy gun.

"It was already here when we came." She rushed out as if she were trying to convince me to believe her. "I just wanted to say hi and welcome back." She said subtlety.

She grabbed a few bags to hold supplies and secured her katana in place. She practically ushered me out as she left the room.

I didn't want to leave honestly. The obscure idea that Carl might still be sitting in my cell waiting for me to come back so he can ask me why again or ask why I kissed him was enough for me to want to stay anywhere but near him at the moment.

But on the other hand I wanted to be so close to him. I wanted to talk to him, do more than talking. Everything was just way too confusing.

I reluctantly made my way back to my cell, the bipolar thoughts zooming around in my head.

To my dismay, Carl wasn't in my cell. He wasn't even in his.

I might've peaked into his, just a tiny peak wouldn't have hurt anyone.

I laid on my bed, daydreaming what it would be like if the world wasn't it own little hell. What it would be like with Carl.

Actually, Carl wouldn't have given me the time of day. We would've never met, I would've been the same person I was before this. Everyday being a routine I hated. Carl would've never kissed me. I would've never have seen the things I have.

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