•Chapter Fourteen•

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*Carl's P.O.V.*

I aim my gun before turning around the corner. Nothing, clear. I look behind me at the two bodies who agreed to sneak out with me to find her. Michonne and Sasha. They wouldn't let me go alone, so they insisted on going, keeping Glenn and Maggie as our covers.

"She's not in here." Sasha says, putting her gun down.

"But she was." Michonne corrects, showing both of us a tiny piece of cloth from clothing. "Found this in the window. Must've tried to shut it when it got caught." This gave me hope. Hope she was still out there. Hope we'd find her.

Michonne must've saw the hope in my spirits now, peeving us on ward.

We headed North West, at an angle away from the house. I felt as if we were hot on her trail, so close to finding her.


We came across an empty street with convenient stores surrounding the area. They look like that all had been broken into, then boarded up. Some, not even that.

"You check the cable store." I point to Sasha. "You check the grocery store." My finger moves to Michonne. "I'll get the bedding store." I start moving toward my designated store. It felt good to be the leader for once.

I waltzed into the store, my gun ready to shoot. The smell of dead corpses automatically went up my nose. No matter how much they say you do, you never get used to that smell.

I walked to a spot that caught my attention between the beds. Already slayed Walkers were piled in between two different cut up beds. I couldn't help but feel that ping of excitement I got when I saw them dead. Why? It might've been Grey. It has to be Grey. Who else would it be?

I hear the safety of a gun go off beside me, and as sick as it sounds, I got excited. I turned, ready to be greeted with a warming hug by Grey. But instead, a man was holding up his gun. Without any longer hesitation, his gun goes off, hitting me right above my hip.


*Michonne's P.O.V.*

As soon as I heard a gun shot, I started running out of the building I currently was in. When I was outside, Sasha was already aiming for the shop Carl went in. So it wasn't her.

I followed her in, seeing a gun aimed right at my head. The man was shaking, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I-I didn't know he was a kid." He whimpered, still aiming at us.

Immediately I look to the floor, where an either dead or unconscious Carl lays, blood pouring from his side.

Without any words, Sasha pulls up her gun and shoots the man right in between the eyes. I rush over to Carl, easily picking up his light body.

"Go go go!" I command, running with Carl in my arms. Sasha kicks open the door, possibly breaking it in the process.

"Stay with me kid." I whisper before running out of the shop and In the direction we came from.


"Hershel!" I scream, still carrying the boy that only wanted to find his friend.

His face was pale, very pale, but he still had a pulse.

"Rick!" Sasha yells, running around the cell block for the boys' father.

"How the hell did this happen!" Rick growls, taking his son from my arms and laying him on the rough ground. Hershel starts applying pressure to the wound, something I tried hard to do while running here.

"He insisted we looked for Greyson. We split up and someone was in one of the shops." Sasha explained to both Rick and Hershel, and me. I'm still trying to cope with this situation.

"Dammit." Rick sounded. "Stay with me Carl. You've done it once now. You know what to do."

"Get me pliers." Hershel commands. Sasha looks confused, but runs down the corridor anyways. "It's in one piece and at the top of the skin. You can see the bullet. It won't take much to get it out, but it's going to hurt like hell when he wakes up." He explains, earning the pliers from Sasha.

Nobody argues, knowing Hershel saved Carl's life once.

"He must've had a weak gun, broken at the most. It didn't go at all deep as any gun should." Rick starts grabbing at his son's hand and squeezing.

Now, I'm really determined to find Greyson.

He took a bullet for her.



*Rick's P.O.V.*

Hershel holds back a piece of Carl's skin just about to stick his tool into my son's hip.

That's when Carl wakes up.

"Shit," Michonne mumbles from the other side of Carl.

"Listen honey you have to sleep." Sasha hums, brushing at his hair.

"AHHHH!" Carl screams, finally realizing what was happening.

"HOLD HIM DOWN!" Hershel commands, dropping his tools.

Carl's screams boom throughout the cell block, alarming everyone who hadn't known what was going on before. He grips onto the cloth of my dirty pants and wails out a scream in agony.

I grab at his wrists, forcing him to pin down to the cold, hard floor.

"Carl you need to stop!" Michonne demands, trying to help me hold him down.

"It's deeper than I thought it is. I need to open it a bit more, this is going to hurt. A lot." Hershel said, earning a whimper from Carl.

"Carl we need you to be still okay?" Michonne said, grabbing his legs. Carl didn't respond. He grinded his teeth together and shut his eyes tighter than I've even seen before.

"Here it goes." Hershel says, grabbing his tools once again. My eyes were fixed upon the wound, wincing at the sight. His leg was flinching every five seconds, even if Hershel wasn't even touching him.

As soon as Hershel's tool goes into the wound, the silence was broken. Carl wails out a scream, crying for us to stop. Tears are rushing down his face as his jaw tenses harder than I had ever thought possible.

After a good ten minutes of holding Carl down and shushing him everytime someone moved, Hershel holds up the tiny little metal piece that had hurt my son.



so I'm tryna write more before I update so I can start updating faster but I'm sorry for such a long wait


so I get to meet Chandler IN 3 MONTHS




note that in your calendars yes


anyways I hope this chapter was extra super long

Don't be a zombie.


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