•Chapter Eight•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Does this happen often?" I asked Sasha as she washed off her hands from helping Hershel with the garden. She swayed out her hip to one side and scrubbed the dirt from under her nails.

"No, not particularly." Sasha says.

"Rarely." Michonne jumps in. "It wouldn't have happened if Lizzie wasn't going physco." She gestures, earning a small chuckle from me.

"Play nice, Michonne." Sasha jokes, wiping her hands on one of the rags nearby.

"Well its true, thinking these Walkers could actually be tamed? What the hell is with that." Michonne crosses her legs while sitting on a wooden chair.

"I agree." I finally say, looking over at Michonne. "Rick said Lizzie walked near the fence, then Sally followed her claiming she could be friends with the things too."

"Ladies." A man says, walking in with his crossbow stuck on his back. "Hate to interrupt but, we goin' to search a gas station up north a few. Carl asked me to come and get his little girlfriend."

"I'm not his girlfriend." I snap, getting up from my chair.

"Fiesty." The man says before directing his attention towards Sasha and Michonne. "It gon' be me, Maggie, Carl, and little miss priss over here, do you guys want anything?"

"I'm good." Sasha said, leaning against the counter. "Why are Carl and Greyson going?"

"Rick wanted Carl to get out a bit, Carl insisted on this one coming." He points a thumb in my direction and smirks. "Now what about you Michonne?"

"Rope." Michonne says without anyone asking why. She kept her eyes down and locked on her hands.

"Alright then, c'mon little one." The man says, leading me to the hall.

"I can already tell you're going to get on my nerves." I laugh, walking slightly behind him.

"The feeling will be mutual." He laughs too as we walk out of the prison. As soon as we're out I spot Carl talking to who I'm assuming is Maggie. He's nodding his head at everything she says, then looks down and pats his gun that's sitting in his holster. Maggie runs her fingers through her hair before turning around to be greeted by the southern crossbow guy.

"Got her." The guy said. Funny, I still don't even know his name. "She's a pain in the ass."

"Thanks Daryl." Finally, his name is Daryl. Carl nods, waiting for me to get near him, then walks to the back of the car.

"Let's get heading, we don't got all day." Maggie commands, getting in the drivers seat.

"I'll follow." Daryl says, getting on the seat of his motorcycle. Maggie simply nods as turning on the engine to the small but useful car.

Carl doesn't say anything, just opens the car door for me, searching around the fence as I get in. I can't help but feel like I did something wrong. He hasn't talked to me all day.

Calm down, Greyson. He personally asked for you to come with him to go raid a gas station. He's not mad, just in one of those moods still. I mean he did witness a little girl die today.

Why should I even care if he's mad or not? I'm leaving in a few days. If he isn't mad now, he will be.

"How far is this?" Carl finally asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"About six miles. Not that far." Carl nods beside me before looking at the window. I sigh, there's no point of asking him until we're alone. He wouldn't tell me around anyone else. Hell, he only kind of talked when his sister was around, and she can't comprehend words yet. He sure as hell isn't talking when someone who can actually talk is around.

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