•Chapter Two•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

My eyelids open at the first sight of day. I was still, luckily, on the branch of a very low tree. I probably should've stayed at the cabin, but I spaced out and thought the creatures would come and somehow get me from in the cabin. So instead, here I am, stuck in a low tree. So much safer Greyson.

I search around my camp out area and surprisingly, no creatures. That's the first time something has actually gone right for me. Everything, before and after the outbreak, has been hell for me. I'm not saying I had it bad in a way my family didn't care or was abusive. I've just never had many friends. Always only had one friend, who I had to watch get gnawed on by these disgusting mistakes.

People were cruel before the outbreak, and they're cruel after. At least being dead is justifiable for the uncanny choices.

I carefully crawl down from the branch I was sitting on and check one more time for creatures. When I was sure I wasn't being delusional, I start my journey to where my direction takes me.

Hopefully not Canada. It's cold there.

I doubt it. I lived all the way down in Oklahoma, where I stayed for a few weeks before I started my journey off into the wilderness with no hope of there ever being life in Oklahoma again.

Or anywhere.

I walked for another good four miles before leaning against a tree and taking a lunch break. I grabbed a big handful of the Cheerios before closing the lid to the box.

"Dammit." I swore as some of the Cheerios fell to the ground. I don't know if there was anything that could turn me into one of, them, in those piles of leaves. I definitely don't want to be eating creature blood, so I let it be. It was only three or four. I'd live.

I slowly ate the Cheerios, one at a time, savouring the taste of food. This may be the last time I eat for one or two days.

I saw something brown fly in the wind and land a meter away from me. I scrounged up my eye brows and grabbed the thing. It flew as if it were paper, but was heavier than I thought. I inspected the item, soon realizing it was a hat. A sheriff hat. I itched my head in thought. It wasn't that dirty. Quite clean actually. I turned the hat around in my hands.

I hear a gun have the safety taken off near me. I think I found the keeper.

I look up slowly to see a boy, around my age, with hair that looked like it had an invisible hat on it. His clothes looked clean, too clean to be out and about. The stern glare I was receiving was noticed, I smirked back knowing that if I felt scared, he would sense it. No need.

I threw the hat at the boy. It had no use to me. It was just a stupid hat. Maybe the boy would leave me alone, let me get back to the road without a scratch.

He caught it easily and in a split second shot the air near me, not phasing him a bit. I look back to see a creature pretty far from me, not hearable yet, lying dead on the ground. It was silent, as if the guns sound was broken. He then points the gun back at me.

"I have Cheerios." I say raising my hand that has Cheerios in it. I see the boys face turn from straight, to a small smirk in seconds. He brings the gun down to his waist and lets it rest in its correct holder. He quickly walks closer to me causing me to back up fully into the tree.

"How many people have you killed?" He asks out of nowhere.

"Okay, before you bombard me with questions, I would like to know your name." I say. In my defense, I didn't even know him. The only reason I was so calm was because I don't care if I am alive or not. Might as well get shot in the head before getting my skin torn off in an attempt for these creatures to find food.

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