Chapter 1

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IT was Halloween morning. Usually i always get super excited about Halloween but today i just didn't know what i was going to do probably call my school friends and ask them what are we supposed to do they usually have a good idea of what to do so after changing into a pink skirt with a grey top. i went down stairs to see that no one was there so i went back upstairs because i knew my mom liked it when we all had breakfast together on a holiday. I sat on my beanbag which is in my room and started scrolling through my Instagram. While i was looking at an edit my fan had made i received a text from my best friend, Lauren Orlando.

L:Wanna hangout today?

Y: Sure what time?

L:4:00 Haydens here too

Y:Sure will be there :):)

Then after this convo I decided to go downstairs to see if my parents and brother(sorry if you don't have one)was up. As soon as I reached downstairs I heard the overly loud voice of my brother talking about stuff no one wants to hear about. "Morning Mom morning dad" I said as soon as I entered and sat on the spot on the table I usually sit on. "No good morning for your older brother" y/b/n said. 'hmmm give me time to think" I said and stuck my tongue at him. I know its immature but I just act like that when I am annoyed at my brother. "So mom Lauren invited me over to her house today at 4:00 can I go?" I said. "Sure darling when will you come back" She asked me. "You know Lauren, she might expect me to stay the night you never know but trust me I'll be home tomorrow" I smiled. My mom shook her head and smiled too. She would never allow this but she kew the Orlandos and was even friends with Mrs. Orlando so she allowed easily.

After breakfast i decided to just sit around and watch some shows. So after watching a few episodes of y/f/s i looked at the time and realized that i should be heading to Lauren's now because otherwise i would be late. I packed and extra outfit incase Lauren did make me stay the night. She already had a pair of my pyjamas so that was good.

I reached there just in time and rang the doorbell. Laurens brother opened the door. "Hey John" I said high fiving him. Me and John had weird relationship I mean we were really good friends but then we also annoy each other a lot which I hate about him I mean he's 2 years older than me but still acts like a child from kindergarten ok I did the same but still he shouldn't he be more mature? Anywho, after entering the house I spotted Lauren sitting with Hayden with her phone out. "Lauren I am here" I kind of shouted. "OMG you are here on time"She said as she got up to greet me. "Yeah says the girl who almost murders me when I come just a minute late" I playfully rolled my eyes and said. She laughed and hugged me. After I had greeted Hayden Lauren made me sit down and started discussing what we could do today.

At the end we decided to do a movie marathon, by movie marathon they meant horror movie marathon and just so you know i detest horror movies i cant bear all the ghostly and terrifying stuff i would rather just crawl under a bed the entire day then watch a horror movie so trust me i was not excited. First we got the snacks and as usual Hayden and Lauren ordered the youngest to get the snacks. "Come on you're just a few months older than me" i pouted and looked at Hayden who just laughed. "Hey I'll join you" I heard Johnny. "You serious?" I looked at him suspiciously. The last time John accompanied me to get snacks we ended up drenched in chocolate and popcorn was stuck in my hair and everywhere. "I swear no food fights" Johnny said getting up. Well after that i cautiously went with Johnny and kept an eye on him the entire time. "Didn't i just swear" Johnny said and smiled when he saw that i was looking at him from the corner of my eyes. "Yes but have i never mentioned that i don't trust you" I said. "Well its time you did" Johnny smiled at left the kitchen with two bowls of popcorn. When we were seated comfortably, Lauren started the movie it was a horror movie as i had feared and it had 3 parts meaning we would watch all three. Well when the movie started i wasn't that scared because come on the start isn't scary is it? But after 30 minutes in the movie i couldn't bear it anymore and with the excuse of going to drink a glass of water i got up and left the room.

I saw Mrs. Orlando working in the kitchen so i went to join her. I call her Aunt Meredith because she didn't like the fact the i called her Mrs. Orlando so we both agreed on Aunt Meredith and Uncle Dale. " Hi Aunt Meredith" I said sitting on the counter top next to her. "Why aren't you with the rest?" She asked. "Umm didn't feel like watching a movie" I shrugged. "So why didn't you tell them I am sure they would understand" She said to me while cutting some type of vegetable. "Ummm no its ok" i just mumbled. "You're scared aren't you?" She smiled at me. As quick as a flash i looked up "Plzzz don't tell anyone i would die of humiliation" I begged. "Its okay y/n your secret is safe with me" She smiled. After that i hung out with Aunt Meredith and also sat some time with Darian and Maddison. When it was time for dinner, Aunt Meredith told me to call the rest of the kids. So i went to the lounge where they were watching the movie and saw a sight that made me burst into laughter. Lauren and Hayden were both clutching John from each side as he was in the middle. "What are you laughing about?" Hayden inquired from me. "Definitely not the fact that you guys are holding on to John like he could save your life or something" I said sarcastically. "Says the girl who left 30 minutes into the first movie" Johnny mumbled. "WHAT!!" Lauren almost shouted while i stuck my tongue at John who stuck his out back at me. "Well anyway Aunt Meredith is calling you all for dinner" I said and left the room, internally kicking myself that John noticed me going out.

After dinner, Meredith reckoned we should go to sleep early as she didn't want us to make a big mess while she was asleep. Well as you know no one goes to sleep early on a sleepover its against the sleepover code. So even though the boys had to go to their room Lauren and i stayed awake past midnight just gossiping and doing what girls do at sleepovers. Hearing voices from the other room we knew that the boys were also awake. We finally slept like really late. Knowing we might wake up really late the next day.

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