Chapter 32

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As soon as we entered the hall Christmas themed music started flowing through our ears. I smiled and looked at my friends "You know you guys can go have couple fun I have to go to Lauren anywho" I said smiling at them. They all looked at each other shyly. "Okkk fine I'll just leave and go to Lauren cuz you guys are chickens cluck cluck" I said imitating a chicken. "Hey where did a chicken come from?" Liam asked but I waved him off and went off to find Lauren. I saw her standing with her family. Of course her whole family will be there they always were to support John. "Hiiii Lauren!" I said as soon as I spotted my blonde best friend. "Wow Y/n looking beautiful just like I thought" She said hugging me. "You look beautiful too" I smiled hugging her back. "John's late" Lauren simply told me. "That's not like John" I said thoughtfully looking at Lauren with a raised eyebrow. "I know I think Charlotte has something to do with it" she shrugged. "Yeah no that's still not like John he always puts his career first and everything else second" I said crossing my arms. Just then Darian came. "Hey Y/n you look nice" She complimented me. "Thanks you look really nice yourself" I said smiling at her. "Lauren any idea where John is?" Darian said turning to Lauren. "Y/n and I were just discussing that" Lauren said to Darian. "So is that a no....." Darian asked her. "Yeah....kind of because I did have a theory that he might be with Charlotte but I don't know about that Y/n made me unsure" Lauren said. "Hmmm maybe I'll give him another call" Darian said and headed back stage to call John. Lauren and I looked at each other and followed her.
We both reached back stage and I smiled at all the other Orlando's. "You look beautiful Y/n darling" Aunt Meredith said as soon as I entered. "Thank you" I smiled at her. I looked a Darian to see her on the phone. While I was looking I noticed she put her phone in her bag, frustrated. I went towards her. "You know I am sure he'll be here soo....." I was about to say when someone crashed into me from the back. "Ow" I exclaimed turning around to see John standing there. "John you've got everyone worried" Darian started scolding him. "Yeah you might have given me concussion" I said to him crossing my arms and standing in front of him. As soon as I said this I realized that this was the first time I had spoken directly to him since the kiss. I guess he even realized that or maybe it was the fact how my friends said he would be speechless when he sees how pretty I look. Either way his mouth flew open causing me to lightly blush. "umm..Y/n..ummm...y-ou" He stuttered turning a little red himself. "Thank you" I also stammered turning more red. "Ok if you two are done flirting can I talk about your performance John?" Darian said smirking. "Uh umm yeah" John said turning more red. "I should umm go" I said pointing towards Lauren indicating that I was going there. "Well now what did I say?" Darian said acting as if she was in deep thought. This caused me to blush beet root red and to avoid blushing deep crimson I quickly headed towards Lauren. "Y/n/n are you alright you look sick" Lauren said it could be seen that she was concerned. "Yeah John came" I said trying to change the topic but Lauren took it the wrong way. "And because you saw him you turned red??" She said a look of anger creeping on her face. "No no no I was just telling you" I said getting really nervous. "Oh ok so John had nothing to do with you blushing sooo much" Lauren asked. "No I think Darian had more to do with that" I smiled glad that I could feel my skin color coming back. "Glad to hear that" Lauren said and holding my hand dragging me towards her family.
After a long chat from his family John finally went on stage. He was singing 3 songs: Mistletoe, Last Christmas and Deck the halls. All of them were to be sung acoustically. He started with Mistletoe. I stood behind the stage looking at him. He was talented REALLY talented. His voice was beautiful so melodic that every time I heard it I always close my eyes and sway to it. But today part of me wanted to look at him while he was singing. He always made this face while singing I can't really explain what type of face it was but I liked it that was for sure. After Mistletoe he started singing Last Christmas. That's when I remembered the rest of my friends and thought of looking for them. "I'm going to go look for my friends" I whispered to Lauren. "They're here to??" She asked me. "Yup" I nodded and went to look for them. I found them standing next to the food table. Typical for my friends. I shook my head and headed towards them. "Hi" I said quietly standing next to them. "you're boyfriend is good" Rachel said looking at me. "He's not my boyfriend" I whisper shouted at her. Just then John started singing Deck the Halls. I smiled. "Somebody's happy" Angie said looking at me. I playfully rolled my eyes and ignored her focusing on the music.
When John finished everyone applauded for him and after a brief thank you he headed back stage. "Won't you go tell you're boyfriend that he was awesome??" Rachel and Angie said and then burst out laughing. "Is that you're way of sending me away?" I said squinting at them. "No" they both said together again shaking their heads. I laughed and looked towards the boys. "You two having fun?" I asked them. "Now you're acting like the host of the party" Liam said smiling at me. "Ok fine I get it you guys don't want me here fine I'll go" I said playfully flipping my hair and acting like I was upset.
I heard all my friends laughing behind me. I started walking back towards Lauren when someone bumped their shoulder into mine. I looked up to see Charlotte with a glass filled with a dark colored liquid. "You" She hissed at me. "Me" I said with a bored expression on my face and was about to move on when she stopped me by coming in front of me. "I hope YOU are happy" She hissed at me. "And why would I be happy?" I asked keeping the bored look on my face. "John broke up with me" She said and it was then I noticed that she her eyes were red as if she had been crying for a long time. The nice part of me woke up inside of me and my first instinct was to console her. "Oh I'm sor.." I was about to say when she threw all the liquid on my dress. Due to it being a light colored dress the huge ugly stain was quite visible. "Hope you're happy now you twit" She smirked at me. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I shouted while tears formed in my eyes. No I am not a cry-baby I was just upset because the party had literally just started. Now thanks to my shout everyone was looking at us now. "Nothing" She smirked and walked away. As I looked at her retreating figure all I wanted to do was murder her. But instead of hurting her in any way my body made me run outside sobbing.
As soon as I reached outside I felt a little better but one look at my dress all the emotions came back to me and I started sobbing again. I sat down the steps near the town hall still my face in my hands that's when I felt someone sit next to me. I looked up and with teary eyes I saw John sitting there a concerned look on his face. "You alright?" He asked me. "Yeah I'm fin.." I tried to say but broke down again. John wrapped his arms around me and I continued to cry in his shoulder. "Hey hey everything will be alright" He said rubbing my back. "Why does she hate me so much" I said in between sobs and it shows how much John knew me because he didn't reply knowing I didn't want the answer right now. This was one of the reasons I liked him a lot. After sobbing in his shoulders for a few minutes I finally pulled away and started wiping off my tears. "You alright now?" He asked me with a small smile on his face. "yeah thanks for being there for me" i sent him a watery smile back. After a few minutes of silence I popped up a question. "Why did you break up with her?" I asked looking at him. "Well we never worked out and well I kind of have feelings for someone else" he answered this time. I smiled at him "I missed you" I said hugging him. "I missed you too y/n/n" he said softly throw my hair causing butterflies to emit in my stomach. "You want to go in?" He asked. "Can we stay here for some time?" I asked him. "Sure" he smiled. I put my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around me.
We stayed like this watching the beautiful scene in front of us.....

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