Chapter 52

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We sat there and waited for Mrs. Warlock to start speaking...

"So kids I decided what we musical you guys will do even though I got many interesting ideas but at the end I decided that three of them were the best so I talked to Ashley and we both discussed it for three days and at the end decided that we will be doing CINDERELLA" Mrs. Warlock said opening her hands wide.

All the students started murmuring. "What the typical Cinderella!!" Angie whisper shouted in my ear causing me to smile. "But that's what everyone does!!" Roderick, a guy in theatre, protested. "Exactly we'll have a new and improved version of it" Ashley said standing up. "We'll write new songs and choreograph new dances and write new dialogues" She went on. "But Ashley we barely have 3 months will we be able to do ALL THAT in a short time?" Liam asked the blonde and elegant girl standing in the middle of the little circle we had made. "Liam never look down" She smiled sweetly at him causing Rachel to scowl. "Why would I look at the floor its not that interesting it's the same I've been seeing ever since freshman year?" Liam said bluntly. Sometimes this guy makes the lamest jokes I thought shaking my head.

"OK OK if so many people are disagreeing let me put in front of you the other options Ashley and I considered" Mrs. Warlock said trying to simmer down everyone. Everyone at once started nodding his or her heads. Ashley looked at Mrs. Warlock who just nodded her head and then turned back to us. " So the first option was School of Rock, then the second one was Cinderella and the last one was Beauty and the Beast" Mrs. Warlock said and looked at everyone.

At the end after many arguments, we all decided on Beauty and the beast the thing was that just like Cinderella a lot of people did that too but I guess everyone was sick of Ashley choosing our plays so they just wanted a say in it. But unfortunately the deciding took up all our time so right now I was getting my stuff. As I was about to turn and go I came to face to face with Angie who seemed extremely excited. "What's up you look like you've seen Santa Claus?" I said smiling at her. "Seen someone better" She said smiling more widely. "Tom Holland?" I said laughing a little. "Even better" She said. Now she had my attention. "Who could be more important than Tom Holland?" I asked surprised a little. "Your boyfriend" She said. "JOHN??" I asked taken aback. "Of course how many other boyfriends go you have?" She said looking at me suspiciously. "None of course" I said offended. "Well then we'll head home" Rachel came out of nowhere. "You also know?" I asked. "Everyone does even all the single pretty girls" Liam said wrapping his arm around Rachel. "Not Ashley?" I asked scared. Ashley was a huge flirt and well could get any boy because well...she was beautiful. "Even Ashley" Payton confirmed coming round the corner too. "Oh no guys see you tomorrow" I said and ran towards the exit of our school.

"Whoa whoa Y/n darling calm down" I had bumped into Mrs. Warlock. "I'm sorry" I said and was about run again when she stopped me. "Make sure you audition for the role of belle I can just see you in the yellow dress dancing the night away" She said. Not listening to what she said I agreed and continued running. I was about to turn towards the parking lot when I heard Ashley talking. I stopped to listen. "Soo do you want to meet up at Tim Hortons...I mean you just told me you loved it" She said in a voice that made me gag. I heard John laugh a little making me confused. "You want to go on a date with me?" He said and I could almost hear the smirk from here. "I mean if you want" Ashley said. "Sure let me ask my girlfriend" John said making me smile. I was about show myself when I heard Ashley say "Come on ditch your girlfriend and come with me". I frowned. "Look at first I didn't mind you coming here flirting with me and all cuz I knew you were wasting your breath but one word against my girlfriend and you'll see what I can do" John said in a serious tone. I smiled again. "What will you do?" Ashley whispered. "The first thing I'll tell you is to get lost" He said and I heard Ashley gasp and then her heels clicking away.

I came out of my hiding place and saw John with his back towards me. Softly creeping towards him I quickly covered his eyes with my hands. "Guess who?" I said. "It can't be my beautiful and amazingly talented girlfriend can it?" He said and turned to me. I playfully pouted. He pulled me closer and gave me a soft yet meaningful kiss and then hugged me.

"How are you?" He asked looking at me. "Oh awesome just wanted to know if you wanted to meet up at Tim Hortoms I heard you love it?" I said playfully, looking at him. He burst into laughter and shook his head. "You heard?" He asked as we started walking towards his car. "Yup" I said popping the 'p' at the end. "She was annoying you know her?" He asked opening the car door for me like the gentleman he is. Just kidding. "Yeah teachers pet and somewhat school's diva" I answered once he sat down in the driving seat.

"So tell me what happened in the meeting you guys just had?" He said his eyes on the road. So I started telling him everything. At the end I looked at him to see him staring at me. "What?" I asked. "I love the way you talk he said grasping my hand and kissing my knuckles. I blushed and tried to cover it again with my hair. "Not again" John said laughing. "What I don't like blushing" I said pouting. John shook his head and continued driving.

Ok Guys I am not dead just taking a little break and watching some kdramas, If anyone is like me and likes to watch them plzz give me some good suggestions

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